Don't push me, I've got nothing to lose.
An answer well received, Modicum allows his muzzle to trace over her frame. He did not expect her to say yes; if she had, he would've felt disappointed that she had softened over the short time they were separated. She could never truly be his, as he could never truly be hers. However, they needed each other to be successful...together they would do great things, him and his queen. They were free, the two of them...being tied down to one equine just wasn't what they were destined for. A bite on her shoulder, hard enough to draw blood, and he leers up at her through icy eyes.
"Ah Lillith, an answer well chosen, my flame." He glances over at the child, who joins the pair without interrupting. He wobbles under newborn feet, but walks with the dignity of his mother and the power of Mortem. His frame littered with Lillith's beautiful splotches, and his mind soon to be influenced by Modicum's own beliefs. Ebony ears flick forward as the child speaks, voice soft, unsure.
"Papa?" He mutters, feeling out the word. The clown goes over to his son - never mind who his sperm donor is, this child is his. He looks at Lillith, grinning through crooked teeth, then brushes the tufts of hair lining Zade's neck, telling him that he is indeed his father.
"You have created something wonderful, my dearest. Zade and his companion...they will do great things," He turns his crown back to Lillith. "I'll make sure of it. The freak show lifts his head, looking down at the child who would some day tower over him, and walks over to Lillith, touching her barrel with his own. He then begins to walk, beginning the journey to find yet another child to bring to Sylva.
Modicum Mortem
@[Lillith Elvira] Feel free to bring in Whitechapel at any time