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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  All I Want [Aurora]
    Diable Rouge
    The rusty stallion is quiet as she speaks, his gaze shifting from her eyes, to her creamy mane, to the peacock gown that covered much of her caramel body, then back again. He has seen many mares in his life, but none of them could quite compare to the beauty that stands before him - and she is completely unaware of it.

     A sigh escapes his lips; relief, that she was content here, that it was suitable for her. His brows furrow as she mentions not being "well received" her first time in Tephra. "Well I don't see how anyone could dislike you." A subtle grin stretches across his lips. She is well-likable and it seems odd that anyone wouldn't. 

    "...He was large...black...and he had the strangest eyes...the color of fire." The description of the leader is hard to miss. 

    "Offspring. Our leader." Diable Rouge mutters, eyes casting downwards. The leader he had never met, but who he knew was well-aware of the happenings of his kingdom. His fiery orbs always making sure his lands were safe and secure. It just had to be Offspring that disliked her. He shrugs the uneasy feeling from his shoulders and gives a reassuring smile. "If it makes you feel better...I want you here, Aurora."   
    in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.


    Messages In This Thread
    All I Want [Aurora] - by Diable Rouge - 09-21-2017, 09:06 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by AuroraElis - 09-22-2017, 01:04 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by Diable Rouge - 09-22-2017, 08:05 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by AuroraElis - 09-22-2017, 08:37 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by Diable Rouge - 09-22-2017, 09:51 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by AuroraElis - 09-25-2017, 05:50 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by Diable Rouge - 09-25-2017, 08:40 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by AuroraElis - 09-26-2017, 11:49 AM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora/Any] - by Diable Rouge - 09-26-2017, 08:40 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora] - by AuroraElis - 09-27-2017, 09:43 PM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora] - by Diable Rouge - 09-29-2017, 11:48 AM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora] - by AuroraElis - 09-30-2017, 11:50 AM
    RE: All I Want [Aurora] - by Diable Rouge - 10-01-2017, 11:05 PM

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