09-21-2017, 02:21 PM
turn your face to the sun - let the shadows fall behind us
His gentle touches are a balm on a fatal wound. But they soothe, and they make the inevitable seem less pressing. She savors the electricity he creates on the curve brow as she always has. It was easy to give in during moments like this, but she knew come dawn when they are parted and he attended to his duties (As he must!) she would be back to where she was before- restless and gazing out across the ocean. Again, Tangerine reminds herself of this as she draws strength and warmth from his side, taking what she was used to giving.
"It's a cruel trick, isn't it." Tang's question is a statement as her eyes flutter open, her momentary trance broken. "To have such power and be helpless - unable to help." But as he glances to the heavens beyond the ceiling of the cave, she can't help but hope his words are true. Even if, upon inspection, she finds the true cause of her anxiety is the damage which has been done to Rou and Solace. The little colt's troubles were over, yet still, there was always regret to spare when a life ends far, far, too early.
Then silence stretches between them, and inevitably both of their minds wander back to goodbye. But she is not prepared for the words which fall between them.
"It is not him I got to..." Her fragile defense trails off as she has nothing else to suggest. She wants to tell him that is not all of it. Amet! It was not just another man that pulled away from the domestic peace of their family, away from this man who filled her cracks with love and understanding, as she did his, and out into the unknown.
It was not that simple.
That was the root of her weed, she didn't even know what was drawing her away, she could not formulate an explanation because it didn't make sense.
That was her tragedy- she had all that she should ever want, yet she was not satiated.
But in the quiet moments alone Tangerine could picture every day from this one until her death is she stayed here. She was too young for that. No king could give her duties to fulfill her, she had to seek her own adventure and write her own story.
But that doesn't mean her heart isn't breaking.
"Maybe this is the last time." she smiles a smile the doesn't reach her eyes.
Maybe I won't always be this way.
Why can't she just accept that this is her happy ending?
Goodbyes were becoming too difficult - she couldn't continue with this ritual. Her life had become a series of goodbyes and last nights together. And she was finding she was not as strong as she had believed herself to be when she first left the happy plains of her homeland.
@[Warrick] <3