devils speak of the ways in which she'll manifest;
angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress.
In her (brief) time on the island she's learned many things - one, that this land is much like Pangea. There is a king, he has subjects, he advises them to do things and go places and accomplish tasks. This is not a bad thing, for she's learned (two) that this land is also not Pangea. Her mother has yet to show up, slitted eyes and magic flowing, and she's yet to run in to horned beasts that may do her harm. No, the land is filled with others who are just going about their business and, often, can't be bothered to ask about yours. She's left blissfully alone to explore but - after some time - she craves the company of others. angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress.
So she interacts and makes friends but never sees the icy man with blue fire that invited her here again.
At least, until now.
He finds her enjoying the late afternoon sun, grazing on the salt rich grass that grows along Tephra. The change in diet has done her well (as has her age, she's growing out of that adolescent lankiness and replaced it with a thicker, fuller look) but she is still the same wide eyed, smiling girl he met a few weeks ago. She returns his greeting and falls into step with him, nodding along to his words. "It's exciting, but I've spent most of my time exploring and very little interacting. How have you been?" she asks. She is not so aged that she can interpret his bright eyes correctly - she mistakes it as a genuine happiness that follows him about.
She'll soon learn.