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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Djinni isn't far when she announces her leaving.  This time for good.  It doesn't shock him and he himself had been nearly on his way back to Nerine with his son, Rhysand when hells gates break open.  Releasing the masses of devil's and demons into the land.  His ears lay flat atop his massive crown.  They come faster than he expected.  Sky blue eyes watching as each arrive.  He is about to turn to the splashed colt to motion their leave when the colt lunges forward to the red eyed ghost.  Snapping threatening words the boy is in the path of something he cannot stop.  The wraith calls to his followers to act.  Despite his size the dappled stallion is quick and cuts between his son and the others.  A roaned mare of Sylva joining.  

    Blue eyes meet red as he looks down upon the stallion, clearly the leader of the hell hounds, speaking directly to him, "Ye will not touch him.  We shall leave." His hardened gaze turns to Rhysand, "There is a time to fight and a time to walk away.  This is one of those times.  This is not our fight, My Son.  Let's go."  

    His muzzle points to the north before pushing the pied colt on.  Looking to the roaned mare.  If she wished to fight this battle he would not stand in her way.  His son though would not be given that option... 
    Warrior by Day, Hunter by Night
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    EVERYONE - by Djinni - 09-17-2017, 09:40 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Gryffen - 09-17-2017, 10:32 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Thana - 09-17-2017, 11:14 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Aditi - 09-17-2017, 11:21 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Circinae - 09-17-2017, 11:57 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Rhysand - 09-17-2017, 06:06 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Jah-Lilah - 09-17-2017, 07:49 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Gryffen - 09-17-2017, 07:53 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Modicum Mortem - 09-17-2017, 09:13 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Raxa - 09-18-2017, 12:15 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Crevan - 09-18-2017, 12:15 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Orion's Belt - 09-18-2017, 02:39 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Raxa - 09-18-2017, 04:29 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Thana - 09-19-2017, 05:47 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Aditi - 09-19-2017, 08:06 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Rhysand - 09-19-2017, 08:56 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Raxa - 09-19-2017, 11:22 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Gryffen - 09-19-2017, 11:46 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Thana - 09-20-2017, 12:07 AM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Modicum Mortem - 09-20-2017, 12:07 PM
    RE: EVERYONE - by Raxa - 09-20-2017, 12:32 PM

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