09-17-2017, 09:10 PM
face to the sun
He is easy to spot, standing on that hill - alone.
He should have the boy by his side, the sweet boy who would be a yearling now. But that would never be now - they, collectively, had failed him.
Little did Rou know how Tang could have made a difference. But the wound is still too raw for her to be able to broach the topic with the stallion. The truth had been hard enough to disclose to her winged lover, it would be years before she could tell him of her premonition which possibly could have helped to prevent the fatality that day. Tangerine had come to respect and even love, in a way, the buckskin stallion. Of course, it was a different kind of love than what she felt for Warrick, but it was there and it was valid and it was hard for her to see him in pain.
Tang approaches Rou with a shadow of a smile on her lips, something soft and unobtrusive. It had been months, yet somehow it still felt wrong to greet her companion with joy. Silently she comes to stand beside him on his vantage point, gently touching his shoulder with her muzzle in way of greeting.
"I'm glad to see you are back." She had noticed his absence. They had spent nearly every day in each others company for a full six months until he disappeared after the accident. Not that she blamed him, a grieving parent was never to blame.
Before she broaches the topic she has come to speak with him about she gives him a moment. The painted mares worried amber eyes search his face, waiting to see if there is anything she can do to help. But even as she tries to read him Solace is, of course, not far from her mind.