09-17-2017, 12:18 PM
face to the sun
From between the young wisteria trees, the golden king makes his appearance. His ears flutter between the two women and his joy is evident. As his smile changes to a confident smirk Tang can't help but laugh, overlooking any connotations, because she is happy to see his cheeky humor has not diminished.
She dismissively (yet playfully) flicks her tale in his direction at his last comment. "As if anyone could you get you, Amet." Circling back for a final cleansing from the pristine lake waters before pulling herself, dripping, onto the shore. She half watched as Amet exchanged a few quiet word with his charge, noticing the way his quip does not seem to sit well with her. "I hear you have been building and burning bridges with a fury."
A weariness seems to come over the smokey mare, her demeanor no longer holding the same cheerfulness as when Tang had first caught sight of her. Tang shakes the water from her lingering winter pelt, making sure to stand far enough away from the pair as not to splash them. Maybe her wounds were more extensive than Tangerine had first thought.
"Thank you Ciri, I wouldn't miss spring in Hyaline for anything." She sends Ciri a reassuring smile before turning her bright honey eyes to rest on the Akhal-teke. "Amet, you should know that Svedka spoke of nothing other than 'The King with The Golden Scales' for days after you left. And Solace for once didn't seem to mind his chatter - she adored you too, in her own quiet way."
Her gaze flits back to Ciri then, with a laugh playing at the corners of her mouth. "Amet is quite popular wherever he goes, I'm sure you are not surprised by that." Their dragon king had a big heart, with room for all of his subjects in his good graces. There was no better kingdom for someone in need of help, like this mare seems to be, to have stumbled into. And once she was recovered, maybe she would help in offering the same tender aid she was given to others.