09-16-2017, 01:47 PM
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
The interloper's green coat and purple tresses are a flattering combination, but the true beauty he sees is the warmth upon her face when he alludes to her nickname. The Wolf of the Water's chuckle is a mixture of surprise and contentment; Amet nods in affirmation of the mare's inquiry as he returns her warm expression, "I have. She saved my friend's life," he offers to the moss-colored mare readily (Circinae, she introduces herself), intrigued whether or not this information will surprise her, though he's betting it will not. The red wytch had been at ease, her demeanor soothing in a way that only came with experience, despite the circumstances.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Circinae," Amet says politely as her blue eyes move to look beyond him to survey their surroundings. He takes no offense to the lull in their conversation; Hyaline still catches him off guard on a regular basis. "Jah-Lilah?" his narrow head tilts to the side briefly before a smile surfaces once more, "The soothsayer. I never did get her name, though she was busy mixing herbs to help Ciri with her injuries from the Underneath while she was here," Amet trails off as Circinae blurts her apology; he brushes it off with a playful snort and his ears twitch as she offers her explanation for appearing in the dead center of his home.
"You're in luck," the Dragon King moves a step closer to her, intrigued by the urgency in her voice, "I am Amet. Welcome to Hyaline." He shifts his narrow Akhal-Teke frame, regarding the water-traveler warmly. "Jah-Lilah tasked me with finding you after Ciri was well, but it seems you have beat me to the punch."