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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  Let the only sound be the overflow; Jah-Lilah


    They say I'm fragile, I try not to be.

    Jah-Lilah's canine companion switches forms as seamlessly as ever, and as she morphs into the equine figure Jah-Lilah knows better than she knows herself. She's all but star struck at the great power her mate holds inside herself. No sooner than her hooves have touched the ground and Jah-Lilah is there. But Jah-Lilah has always been there. From the time the boys were so young, still nursing from their dam with only baby hair on their tails, Jah-Lilah has always been there. She's been so lucky and so blessed to find this small family, willing to accept a wayward vagabond as one of them. They are together again and finally skin meets skin and my little flower-child is a mess. Jah pushes against her, as if she's trying to merge with the evergreen enchantress, breathless, speechless, senseless. The mare paralyzes her.

    A soft, sweet, genuine admission slips from Circinae's lips, and Jah-Lilah is nearly brought to her knees. She hears other things being said, but she can't make them out. She hasn't heard those loaded words since her midnight mate so many seasons ago. She inhales sharply, whispering a hushed "I love you too, my Wolf-of-the-Water" in the mare's ear. They are alone, and Jah-Lilah is lost in the shifter's embrace. She should have confessed weeks ago, months ago, a year ago, the first time she laid eyes upon the frazzled and wide-eyed new mother. The moment she came over that hill chasing those twins, Jah-Lilah loved her. It felt as though she had always loved her, like there had never been an era in the history of the Earth-Mother that Jah-Lilah didn't love this wily little wolf-girl. 

    Circinae dances about, tossing her head and laughing, boasting about how good their life was together. Jah-Lilah did not argue, she just chased the girl, lipping at the air with an impish look in her eye. She was right, they were all so incredibly happy together. She laughed along in agreement, whinnying delightedly. She suddenly bounds closer, wrapping the girl close to her, tucking her face under the girl's azure mane, running her nose where hair meets skin. She coos and wuffles, eyes closed in absolute ecstasy. They meet, shoulder to shoulder, and are one once again.
    Suddenly her beloved canine becomes shy, withdrawn, she coyly peers up at my mare beneath long eyeslashes, calling out pet names and sweet nothings. Jah-Lilah can already sense a change.

    There is a new scent, a new pH, a new set of hormones in the air, and none belong to the pair of lovers dancing naked in the moonlight. Jah-Lilah is overcome and overjoyed, her lover is with child. Then she knows why the girl has come. A sly smile spreads slowly across my firefly's feature as she feigns ignorance, nipping at the green goddess' chest. She laughs softly as she answers, failing to meet the mare's inquiring eyes on purpose. "And what makes you think I know what the earth-Mother has or hasn't given to you, my beloved?" She keeps a straight face only for a moment, ducking her head below Circinae's, and pushing her cheek and muzzle to her girl's side. She slides back until she's resting to her belly, inhaling deeply with her eyes closed, smiling and clucking. She is murmuring, but the words are between her and the daughter that grows within. She sighs, opening her eyes, looking as if she's in a dream. She draws her response out, humming softly to Circinae's belly.

    "Yes, my water nymph. A seed grows inside you." Her heart thumps in her chest, anticipating her Wolf's extreme response, tail twitching in anticipation. A fire burns in her heart and her loins as she meets eyes with the mare, lost in a daze, head over heels.

    I search only for something I can't see.

    stronger than you know


    Messages In This Thread
    Let the only sound be the overflow; Jah-Lilah - by Circinae - 09-13-2017, 01:40 PM
    RE: Let the only sound be the overflow; Jah-Lilah - by Circinae - 09-15-2017, 02:49 PM
    RE: Let the only sound be the overflow; Jah-Lilah - by Jah-Lilah - 09-15-2017, 07:18 PM
    RE: Let the only sound be the overflow; Jah-Lilah - by Circinae - 09-16-2017, 01:04 PM
    RE: Let the only sound be the overflow; Jah-Lilah - by Circinae - 09-18-2017, 07:42 PM

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