if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
Hyaline’s young King begins the familiar trek to Tephra just as the sky begins to shift away from night’s inky darkness. The journey is long, though not overly strenuous, and will seem even longer when he encounters the snow that has blanketed Beqanna throughout the winter months. He feels spoiled, in a way, that his lakeside home is exempt from the ivory precipitation – the only indication of winter that he and his assemblage must endure are frosted grasses and white plumes of exhale that are quick to disappear as the sun sits overhead in the late mornings.
The rest of Beqanna is not so lucky and the blanketed grounds of Loess, Sylva, (he takes special care to give what was once Taiga a wide berth; the stories of wolves on fire are not ones he is willing to test) and the common lands slow Amet’s pace. His lean legs carry his slim frame deftly through the knee-deep flurries, shivering on occasion though the physical effort keeps him mostly warm. The young gilded King is distracted, either way, by thoughts of his upcoming conversation. Today, instead of Warrick and Tang as he usually would, he seeks Offspring, the red-eyed Overseer that he had met only once before, following the Lost Boys’ attack on Hyaline.
Amet, despite the circumstances behind their first meeting, had sensed a sort of nobility within Offspring that he knew he could grow fond of. He had been impressed with the Tephran King’s willingness to visit Hyaline and confess his own son’s involvement – and, as an added bonus, the stallion of fire and brimstone had come with a seal of approval from Warrick.
When finally the gilded stallion arrives in Tephra, it’s just after noontime and the sulfur-tinged air greets him warmly. Amet takes special care to stop just inside the border of Offspring’s kingdom and immediately announces his presence with a loud call to avoid any misconceptions behind his visit – the last thing he wants to do is start off this conversation on the wrong hoof. He waits patiently and with a smile, his gold and bronze scales warming in the afternoon sun as amber eyes scan the contours of Tephra for its King.