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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize


    I'll have a reason good enough

    I'll believe in you and trust

    On the day you finally see the way you treated me

    Was a far cry from love

    A shiver of pleasure runs deliciously though her spine as his voice, rough and dark, reaches her ears. He had not forgotten her. The vanity in her knew he would come while the jealousy she has been fighting claims a victory against the mystery mare. Both feelings flee as quickly as they come swamped by current circumstances. He makes it difficult though as he ambles closer, the burning embers of his eyes burning like the mountaintop of his beloved volcano. He is dangerous. She’s intrigued.

    Perceptive can be added to his growing list of qualities, picking up the fine threads of her tension. The mention of Taiga brings a frown to her dark lips, but for the wrong reasons. Taiga is not the subject of her worry, merely the tagline. He describes the fall of another kingdom, of greed and power. Unable to keep the sigh that falls from her lips. He’s not wrong.

    ”It’s not that exactly…” She pauses for a moment, turning her view towards the ocean. The silvery moonlight filling her golden gaze. She was not one to hold secrets close to her chest and this was no different. ”Gryffen is my brother.” A scowl twisting her features, dismay and anger making her muscles ripple beneath her dappled coat as they tense and tighten. They would all find out soon anyways, it was only a matter of time before the white stallion sought her out. There was no love lost between them.

    She doesn’t look to see his reaction, he may not even know who she’s talking about. ”It will not be his last.” Certainty in her words, knowing him as well as she did. Finally casting a critical glance in his direction. Would she be guilty by association? That had happened before. Her expression once more becomes guarded, unreadable although her posture remains coiled and withdrawn. ”He will come for me.”


    Messages In This Thread
    this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-09-2017, 11:09 PM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-10-2017, 12:53 AM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Tantalize - 09-10-2017, 01:24 AM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-10-2017, 02:07 AM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-11-2017, 12:07 AM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-11-2017, 01:52 PM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-11-2017, 06:54 PM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-11-2017, 09:51 PM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-13-2017, 12:38 AM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-14-2017, 01:11 AM
    RE: this life, it feels like a prison || tantalize - by Offspring - 09-14-2017, 11:24 PM

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