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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It seemed the taste was not so sweet: Heda, Any
    It's a quiet autumn morning when the stallion wakes from a deep sleep. The sun feels comfortably warm on his cream colored back as it sits low in the sky, waking the world that sits below. It takes a few long minutes, but soon the sleep fades from heavy lidded eyes, allowing him to blink and look around. Slowly the thick pine trees come into view and then comes the dark green ferns growing in large bundles. Around both are twigs and thousands of leaves of varied colors scattered across the ground. One could say it was the perfect scene of a new-coming autumn.

    The soft call of the birds up in the pines carry through the morning air and for a moment their tune is a distraction. His light gray eyes move upward and for a while he watches a few blue birds hop from branch to branch as they belt out a tune to welcome the rising sun back into view.  Slowly his eyes move back down to the world surrounding him and with a soft sigh he shakes heavily, his neck stretching forward and whipping from side to side. The quick movements cause him to stumble slightly despite his body being lean cut and heavily muscled. Then before he can slip back into another nap, he steps forward and towards the path leading from the neutral lands.  

    He walks with a purpose, ready to find his place. First he walks around Taiga, avoiding the towers of smoke caused by lava and destruction in the wake of the erupting volcano.

     Then he moves through Sylva, enjoying it's peaceful lands in quiet solitude. It's only when the land begins to rise and fall, getting higher and higher that he comes to a stop on one particularly tall hill.  Standing still as the cool wind wraps over and around his lean cream colored body, he looks out over the kingdom of Loess and with a nod he makes a silent determination. For now this will be where he called home, even if it was potentially temporary.

    Slowly the tall stallion closes his eyes and inhales slowly and with a step forward he exhales, his eyes opening as he descends into the quiet kingdom in search of it's leader. His large wings pressed closely to his side as he walked through the hills until finally he comes across the bay mare with light colored wings. "Hello," his voice is quiet and deep as he greets the other. "My name is Kakashi. I apologize for intruding, but I'd like to join your homeland."
    K A K A S H I
    winged smokey cream akhal-teke stallion
    currently wandering and homeless

    Messages In This Thread
    It seemed the taste was not so sweet: Heda, Any - by Kakashi - 08-31-2017, 03:28 AM

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