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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    turn down the light - lochwood, rhysand, other foals?
    Rhysand stands quietly, dark tail flipping over painted sides.
    He wants so badly to cross into the unknown that lay beyond Sylva. The thick rope that once tethered him to the autumn trees is but only a thread now. One that splinters and tugs every time he finds himself here. Staring blankly across the borders of the land.

    When he comes to this spot, he thinks of everything his life has given him so far. A father, Djinni, the twins, a home, his friends, love. In six short months he had been given so many things, and he wanted to do what with it? Throw it away to the wolves so he could just...Just leave?


    he whispered to himself quietly, dark green eyes closing before opening once more.

    "Not today Rhys."

    His voice is quiet, the childish pitch frightening even him. The painted child was aged far beyond his months. An old soul trapped within that of a boy. A sad smile plasters itself upon his face as he turns away from the scene, lanky legs pulling him into a lope through the trees he called home.

    He sighed as the multicolored leaves crunched beneath his hooves, a sound he adored. Despite his hearts deepest desire, he loved the woods. The deep scent of the maple, the soft orange glow that seemed to linger no matter what season, he even loved the annoying call of the birds in the wee morning hours. But what he loved the most (what every child loved most if they grew up in sylva) were the rocks. The towering boulders made just for the children's delight. One could spend hours finding boulders to climb upon, and then jump off of.

    It was these rocks that he spent most of his time with the twins seeking. The ones that were just high enough to elicit a squeal before hitting the plush leaves below. Oh how he loved playing in the leaves! Thick layers of foliage that held no fuss when one rolled on them, slept on them or nosed around in...

    The frown soon turned to a smile, that soon turned to a laugh. It is then that he hears her, a soft voice calling his name.


    He turns his head curiously, cresting the hill behind him was Starlin. Djinni's girl. His sister in all ways but blood.

    "I found an awesome jumping place!"

    She calls, a smile overtaking her dark face. His ears perk excitedly, frame bouncing in anticipation.

    "Lets go!"

    And before he can reply she is off, dashing through the woods, with Rhysand close on her heels.
    [Image: rhysandddddsig_by_voltum-dbgx2qw.png]

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    RE: turn down the light - lochwood, rhysand, other foals? - by Rhysand - 08-29-2017, 10:52 PM

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