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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    time deceives us | fate she hears us [Dovev/Absenthium?]


    He tried to help with every little thing he did, she knew. Tried to walk her out of this… depression? That was what they did. Every morning, they walked. Never with a place in mind, and only on their island. Sometimes Reilly would try to talk to her. But he most often ended up holding a one-sided conversation, talking at her as she held her silence. She didn’t even know what was wrong with her anymore. Why couldn’t she be that fierce, vibrant woman she once was? Why couldn’t she find herself anymore.

    Or maybe this was who she was now. A pathetic shell that was only Wallace on the outside, and an empty husk within.

    Today, though, she forced herself to be a little bolder, fought her insecurities and got off that island. Or maybe it was only more weakness, avoiding everything at her back as she put more distance between her and her home, her family. And soon enough, she found herself at a stranger’s side. She thought he might have reminded her of Reilly, the calm and steady way he was just there. Maybe that was why she stepped up to stand there as though she knew him.

    She still didn’t speak though, could never seem to find the words to say to anyone. Once upon a time, she could talk so easily, typically a sharp, sarcastic jab with a silver tongue, not really giving a damn that she often offended people. That was their problem, not hers.

    But she couldn’t find that girl anymore.

    So she settled with a quiet sigh, staring out at the dumb meadow bums and not really paying attention to anything. Her brown eyes were dark and dull, the intricate lace of scars at her hips completely forgotten - so used to them now. It was his fault she was this way, the one that put them there. ...No, it was her fault. So stupid. She shouldn’t have gotten attached, shouldn’t have fallen for him, especially after everything. And now she had to watch him and his goddamn happily-ever-after there at home, watch her children adore his woman and forget their mom. Why would they want anything to do with her anyway, when all she was anymore was miserable.

    And silent.


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    RE: time deceives us | fate she hears us [Dovev/Absenthium?] - by Wallace - 08-24-2017, 09:17 PM

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