07-26-2017, 09:27 PM
(OOC: Im to lazy for HTML)
The boy couldn't help but bound excitedly after his father, heels kicking at the dirt as he trotted by the gray's side. With determined strides he walks the incline, allowing his father's touch to give him strength.
He allows his green eyes to wander over the land stretched out before them, the red hue that blanketed the land exciting him.
This life was still new to him, a fascination rooted deep in his bones at the beauty of it all.
"I think I will race yah there Papa."
The boy smiles, eyes still focused on the expanse. With a gentle nudge to the man's side the boy was off. He knew his father could catch up to him if he wished, but he was excited for the chase.
"Catch me if you can!"
He yelled, looking back to Orion hopefully.