07-24-2017, 08:45 PM
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
Amet's chest is tight, so tight, it suffocates him as he watches Iset run away. Her metallic coat is bright against the gray, dead backdrop. It's all he can see. And then Sakir is suddenly at his side and the dragon King is forcing himself to inhale. It's nearly a gasp, but then he snorts and turns his bleary, teary-eyed gaze towards his younger brother. Amet can't find his words, not immediately. Instead, he extends his muzzle to Sakir and rests it gently on his neck, near the younger boy's scaled withers. He never did tell Sakir how much he loved that they both had scales now, did he? His frown deepens.
"I don't know... I don't know where she's going," he whispers into Sakir's shoulder, the idea of Iset being on her own in Beqanna forming a deep and uncomfortable pit in the stallion's stomach. He is angry, furious, boiling mad - but he had never wanted his sister to feel alone in the world, and now she has distanced herself from even Sakir. Amet can hear the panic blatant in his little brother's voice. "She said she loves you," the leather-plated stallion whispers as he pulls away from Sakir, amber gaze focusing now on his face instead of past his plated back. "She will come back. She knows she did wrong."
Amet takes a shaky breath and watches Sakir's face, his brother's despair breaking his heart even more. "She will come back," he repeats, with a bit more confidence, but then an unwelcome confession finds itself falling from his lips: "I've failed you both."