04-04-2015, 01:10 PM
Hi darling, I crave your presence (crave is a synonym for covet = Covet). I want you so badly (to want something badly is to covet something = Covet) I'll just have to steal you. What sacrilege, you all alone with no one to guard you. Now that I have you, let us flee. It doesn't matter to describe it: u-shaped, v-shaped, made of silicon (u-shaped and v-shaped are descriptors of a valley, also silicon = Silicon Valley = The Valley) - it's all going to end the same way. Do you know what I ate for breakfast? A homophone and a crucial verb (ate is a verb and also a homophone for eight = Eight). But ah my darling, we must make sure we never get thee to a nonary - if we reach that, we've gone too far (nonary = 9, at 9 we've gone too far, 8 comes before 9 = Eight).
Covet from Eight in the Valley.
Covet from Eight in the Valley.