07-20-2017, 01:52 PM
Her path was true. Her purpose clear. It had arrived and though she had been taken by magic, it gave her nothing. He was weak. It was a mother sense to know her child's purpose and this one had none. Not to her anyhow. So she trekked the many miles between home and Tephra. Dragging him along. Pushing. Forcing. He knew nothing of the purpose of this trip. He'd know soon though...
The channel came into view as they neared the banks. The high water from spring rains caused the current to be rushed. She would cross easily, he may not. Perhaps if he did make it he was worthy of living. With a splash she took to the water. It's lapping at her sides reminded her of Stillwater. Powerful strides brought her to the other side, she called to him harshly. Obedient like most clueless children he plunged in after her. Not as gracefully. His head barely stayed above the surface, she smiled. Twisted thoughts drifted about her mind as she turned her golden body and walked onward.
Not looking back to see if the waters had swept him away her dark eyes scanned the tropical borders. Searching. Deciding. She had things to do, more important things. A swishing behind her brought the water logged colt to her side again. Ugh! Why doesn't it go away already. Her nares emitted a snort of frustration. Just then her ears honed in on a rustling nearby. Turning her sooted face to the noise she watched in anticipation...
It wasn't who she had come to find but it was a Tephran so she called to him. He was lumbering about so she figured he wouldn't mind an inconvenience, "Hey you! Yes you. You look as though you lack purpose." She grinned devilishly side stepping to expose her situation. She hadn't looked at the bay colt beside her. "Here... Take this. Tell Nymph it is his grandchild, if you should run into him. If not, he's your problem now." She whipped her head around and pushed the shivering colt forwards, knocking him to the ground. "Oh a name.. hmmm... Go with Kaodie. Yeah that's works." With not another word she turned and galloped to the channel again. The damp colt laying sprawled on the beach struggling to grasp what was happening to him.
The channel came into view as they neared the banks. The high water from spring rains caused the current to be rushed. She would cross easily, he may not. Perhaps if he did make it he was worthy of living. With a splash she took to the water. It's lapping at her sides reminded her of Stillwater. Powerful strides brought her to the other side, she called to him harshly. Obedient like most clueless children he plunged in after her. Not as gracefully. His head barely stayed above the surface, she smiled. Twisted thoughts drifted about her mind as she turned her golden body and walked onward.
Not looking back to see if the waters had swept him away her dark eyes scanned the tropical borders. Searching. Deciding. She had things to do, more important things. A swishing behind her brought the water logged colt to her side again. Ugh! Why doesn't it go away already. Her nares emitted a snort of frustration. Just then her ears honed in on a rustling nearby. Turning her sooted face to the noise she watched in anticipation...
It wasn't who she had come to find but it was a Tephran so she called to him. He was lumbering about so she figured he wouldn't mind an inconvenience, "Hey you! Yes you. You look as though you lack purpose." She grinned devilishly side stepping to expose her situation. She hadn't looked at the bay colt beside her. "Here... Take this. Tell Nymph it is his grandchild, if you should run into him. If not, he's your problem now." She whipped her head around and pushed the shivering colt forwards, knocking him to the ground. "Oh a name.. hmmm... Go with Kaodie. Yeah that's works." With not another word she turned and galloped to the channel again. The damp colt laying sprawled on the beach struggling to grasp what was happening to him.
illicit daughter of nymphetamine and killgore

HTML by Call
Yes she's a b****... Take him or leave him. Ok then, bye bye now XD
Take a bite
If you dare