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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    CHAPTER THREE: the price we pay [round three]
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Great+Vibes" rel="stylesheet"><center><div style="width: 550px; background: url('http://i.imgur.com/aEjlCW8.png'); padding-top: 5px; background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #5d3b1a;box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000000;border-radius: 300px 300px 0px 0px;"><div style="width: 540px; background: url('http://i.imgur.com/aEjlCW8.png'); padding-top: 10px; background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: #110901; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000000;border-radius: 300px 300px 0px 0px;"><div style="font-family: 'Great Vibes', cursive; font-size: 40px; color: #e4c2a1;margin-top: 60px;padding-left: 125px;align:center; opacity: 0.7; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #281501, 0 0 10px #281501, 0 0 10px #9b7958;">Jah-Lilah</div><div style="font-family: 'Georgia',serif; font-size: 10px; color:#e4c2a1;padding-left:135px;padding-top: -10px;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #000,0px 0px 10px #fff;font-style:italic;opacity: .5;">someday, we will foresee obstacles</div><div style="width: 500px;margin-top: 210px;margin-left: 10px;margin-right: 10px; padding: 10px;font-family: Times;color: #c2a07f; opacity: .76; font-size: 12px; line-height: 140%; text-align: justify;background-color:#1e1001;border-top: 5px solid #5d3b1a;border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px;"><I>Please stay awake, because it's creepin'.</I>

    Jah-Lilah burst out of the Taiga tree line like a diver coming up for air. She stumbles, taking a spill. She rolls once, then rights herself, looking back frantically. Was it gone? Had she escaped it? What was that noise? Her body was tense, still, silent. She strained desperately to listen for any sign the creature was behind her. She heard nothing, saw nothing. She began to climb to her feet unsteadily, then took a look around warily. Her strange vision had returned, and she could see far, far off. The rolling hillside, the scent of pine needles, this could only be Loess, ruled by the Winged Queen Heda. How she would be in mourning if she could see her beloved kingdom now, motionless, filled with sorrow and despair. No amount of empathy could fix this problem.

    <I>Don't you close your eyes.</I>

    Tense, still, silent. She ventured forth, afraid to be still for too long. The beast had her scent, knew her voice, had tasted her fear, she had to move. She was still adjusting to her newly returned old new vision. Shit, that's confusing Jah.  She shakes her head, the feathers in her mane the only solace she had right now. They connected her. They reminded her that the other Beqanna existed, and that if she got her ass here, she could get her ass home. She took a sharp breath in as her dragon vision picks up something far in the distance. No, not something, something<I>s</I>. Eyes, red as rubies, staring at her. And then another pair, and another pair. It takes her only a moment to asses the possible paths around them, and she can't see a way without going dangerously close to them. Welp, here goes nothing.

    <I>Too late.</I>

    Not something, somethings. She had finally figured out why those red eyes set off red flags in her- <I>what was that?</I> She froze, listening. She could have sworn she'd heard slow, methodical footsteps behind her. Now, nothing. She shakes it off, her talisman flicking against her neck comfortingly. She takes a deep breath and moves closer to the eyes dancing ahead of her. Wyverns. Disgusting, pale, snake-like things, but with little front legs to drag their filthy bodies around. The elders had multiple heads, dragon-like, but with less knowledge and understanding. The females, guardians of the nests and offspring, had long fangs that dripped poison. The smallest one she had ever encountered was a youngling, only two or three feet long at the most. The biggest...was a nightmare. Coils upon pasty coils the old king had, and as thick around as one of these very pine trees. The only basilisk she had ever known to be bigger than their ruler was the Midgard Serpent, who was said to have the whole world in his scaly grasp.

    <I>You want to make it right, but now it's too late.</I>

    Wyverns. Why did it have to be wyverns? My red mare gathered her wits, and began to creep quietly towards them. Towards them? Girl, are you high? <I>Shhhhh. I know what I'm doing.</I> The wyverns eyes were beautiful to look at, but were useless. They were blind. Generation after generation living in caves in hollow hills such as these had bred their eyesight right out of there genepool. The downside? Their hearing was incredible, bordering on superhuman. As long as she was so careful, so quiet, she could do this. They couldn't swim with those stubby legs, and her nose told her there was water just beyond those hills. If she could make th-<I><b>what was that?!</I></b> She knew she'd seen something. A shadow, ducking between the trees. Her heart was racing, her stomach tied in knots. Her eyes rolled, searching frantically for the beast. She knew she saw him, had felt him...now nothing. She panted heavily, mane plastered to her neck. Her fear had drove her to a near-frenzy. She woo-sahed, exhaling long and low. One monster at a time, Jah-lilah, we can do this.

    <I>My peanut butter chocolate cake with Kool-Aid.</I>

    So careful, so quiet. Jah-Lilah tiptoed through the meanies like she'd been doing it all her life. She treated their cluster of dens like a live mine field. She had no room for mistakes, she'd come too far to fail now. Her confidence was growing with each step as she neared the ridge that led to the lake. Another noise, another shadow. Out of the corner of her eye she sees the mystery from Taiga, her cloaked pursuer.  He has found her, and his voice is in her mind, chiding, goading. <b>"I've come for you, little Wytchhhh..."</b> He trails off, and Jah-Lilah can bear no more. She panics, no longer able to take the mind games. She broke free from the wyverns' community and was all but racing away from them when she made her first crucial mistake since happening upon the fiends. Not watching where she places her feet, one hard hoof comes crashing down on the tail of a stray wyrm. He cries out, a gurgling, hissing sound, and springs on her.

    <I>I'm trying not to waste my time.</I>

    Jah-Lilah can bear no more. The wyvern snaps at her, clawing his way up her hind quarters. His cry stirs his other nearby comrades, and they all shake the darkness from themselves and join the pursuit. His talons dig deep in her rump, and he pulls himself up towards her back. She is frantic, eyes white with fear. Her adrenaline is pumping now, the only way she's able to outrun the other wyrmsnakedragons, and she vaults up the hill towards the smell of water. Her only saving grace would be the lake. <I>They hate water, they can't swim,</I> she chants to herself, a mantra for self preservation. She reaches the top of the hill and can see it, the lake of Hyaline. She doesn't have time to rest, as soon as she peaks the hill he sinks his teeth into her hip, her unwelcome baggage. She half-rears, the pain jolting her into action. She drops to her knees and rolls, crushing her passenger. She rolls again, then is up and to her feet quicker than the ever thought she could in this nether realm. She pounces on his still-ish body, hopefully she broke his back in the fall. She stomps and stamps until there is nothing but bloody mush where his head should be. She sees a few of his allies climbing the hill, still giving chase, and doesn't wait for them to reach her. She turns to the border of Hyaline and plunges downward, towards her saving grace.

    <b><I>STAY WOKE.</I></B>


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    RE: CHAPTER THREE: the price we pay [round three] - by Jah-Lilah - 07-19-2017, 05:48 PM

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