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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Despite the weather it gets better [Any]
    you can have my isolation,
    you can have the hate that it brings.
        Sweat begins to bead heavily along his marred skin, pooling along the slope of his broad spine and giving him little reprieve from the harsh light of the unforgiving sun, and the heat of the fire burning from within. A mass of bone and sinewy muscle, he is a force to be reckoned with, but the heavy humidity of day weighs on him with a might all its own. His matted tresses press tightly against his massive, thick neck, while the darkened shadow of his burning gaze is steadied upon what lay before him – and the intricate dappling of spots that trace the feminine slope of her spine and the thick curve of her hip.

      His puckered pink scars gleam gently beneath his trickling sweat, and his tendons shift and roll beneath his dreary, obsidian flesh – he is quiet, listening carefully to the other speak in what can only be described as a riddle. He is feigning indifference, but he is observant, glancing over the way her jawline clenches with each deliberate word; she has many weaknesses and the most prevalent is her ego.

      She is far too consumed with herself, with what she and Nerine could supposedly offer the once Queen – she is dismissive, sardonic, and scathing, and he knew enough to know that it was simply her way. He would not fault her for it, but he could hardly suppress the smile tugging at the corner of his dark mouth. He could see the many flaws of Nerine already, between Nayl’s foul, unrestrained temper, and Heartfire’s dry, manipulative personality.

      Alas, he has grown bored with her attempt to draw her in, to force her to peddle herself into her waiting hands. He knew the heavy burden of leadership well enough to see where it had carved deep, hollowed shadows beneath Tantalize’s vivid eyes – just as it had his own, and he does not take his eyes off her. Not even for a moment. He knew the burden, just as he knew the immeasurable strength it took to carry the hefty crown of thorns. She did not need to market herself for him.

      He is silent, with his heavy, burning stare boring into her own, tracing the darkened irises, searching their depth for tangible meaning – there was a fleeting moment of recognition in her gaze, and he can only assume his presence was as if she were seeing a small part of her past. A ghost, perhaps. He held no genetic binding to any other, however, outside of those conceived from his loin – he had only been a boy when his spiteful mother had left him to die along the eastern shoreline of what had once been, and he had spent too many years - decades, even – he held no relation to her, though she could not possibly know that.

      ”I haven’t the time to play games. Nerine will offer you much of the same that it always has – it is as it has always been, whether in a jungle or along the coast. If you should seek the lifestyle of a sisterhood, it might be for you,” his voice his rough along the edges; husky from disuse. ”but if you are seeking more, we - and Tephra - has much to offer. I have much to offer." he muses softly, his eyes flashing with a glimmer of the flame that burned from within.

      ”And I know that you have much to offer. I do not need for you to plead your case. Power, accessibility – it could all be yours – should you want it. And if not," he pauses then, a shadow of a smile returning. "you know where to find me.”
    you can have my absence of faith,
    you can have my everything.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Despite the weather it gets better [Any] - by Offspring - 07-01-2017, 04:57 PM
    RE: Despite the weather it gets better [Any] - by Offspring - 07-16-2017, 01:11 AM

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