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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    do you feel like a young god? kali or kirby or both
    Wings. Kali bit her lip and stared out over the ocean, wondering once again if Khari had been right. If that was what wings felt like, his breath on her jaw, the shiver that had run through her when his lips had trailed up her neck. In fact, she’d snuck away a fair few times now to think about it, to remember how it had felt when he’d touched her like that, the way her whole body had woken up lying beneath him on the rolling sea.

    Was it always like that, with wings? Always so tingling and shivery and achy and good? If that was what wings felt like, oh, she wished she had wings of her own.

    Except this time, when she stared out over the water and she wished, something changed. Not just inside her, a slow burn waking up and kindling in her belly, no, this was different. This was a whole different kind of burning aching itching feeling that started in her back, stretching and pulling, twisting and grinding and oh! Oh, with just wanting and wishing and wondering, she suddenly did have wings, great big feathered things like Khari’s, but soft grey and white like the rest of her, edged in lavender like her hair. “Oh!”

    She almost jumped right off the mountain, so excited to try them out, to see what flying was like, to see if Khari was right! But she wanted to show him first, to share her excitement and maybe ask him to show her how to use them, to teach her how to fly. Ohhhh he should for sure be the first one to see her wiiiings! Except by the time she got back down to the flatter parts of the island, her wings were already long gone, sucked back up into her body while she was concentrating on her footing and the climb.

    Aww, coconuts.

    Kali wrinkled her brow and pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes and thought of wings, but nothing happened. Grumpy, she stomped off toward the beach to go play with the water, where at least she knew she’d have some fun. Just as she was about to emerge onto the sandy shore, she heard her name. “Kali!” Her grumpiness entirely forgotten, she grinned and bounded forward, eager to see who was looking for her.

    She dashed out of the trees and skidded to a halt, her dark brown eyes instantly drawn to her friend, his scales of fire and sunshine glinting so beautifully in the sunlight. “Amet!” she squealed, bounding forward to pounce on him. “You came to see me!” Grinning and launching herself at him, she hooked her front legs over his withers and draped her neck over him, twisting so she could beam up at him from his other side. “Hi! Welcome to Ischia! Isn’t it pretty? D’you want to see more? I could show you around if you like!”
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: do you feel like a young god? kali or kirby or both - by Kali - 07-15-2017, 09:09 PM

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