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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    But I think that we missed our connection [Ellyse/Offspring/Any]

    Bound for trouble from the start
    I've been walking through this old world in the dark

    Was she recalling every moment they had spent together? Was she remembering the weight of his body, the lines of his face like he did her? The heat of her breath on his cheek, her lips tracing the length of his jawline. Of course he was still hungry for her, the memories of that night raw and consuming. He hopes in the deepness of his heart that she is pleased he has come. He’s not sure he could take it if she wasn’t.

    The seagrass waves idly behind her, she looks as if she belongs here in this vast cornucopia of habitat. Sea, land, a spouting mountain of fire. Could he fit in here as well? He’s not sure, the humidity is rather pleasing. More important, would she want him there? If she did not of course he would respect her wishes. Her laughter is like wind chimes playing delightfully against the roar of the sea. There are tears in her eyes and he can’t tell if it’s from the sting of the wind or his words. He catches them as he turns his gaze back to her but now they reflect a bit of hurt. She has moved closer to him and without thinking, he pulls her closer to him with his neck, embracing her and feeling her warmth once more against his.

    “Of course it meant something to me. I’m not that kind of man… Do you think me capable…?” Then he pauses, for she had seen his unsheathed anger. Had seen just a mere glimpse of what laid beneath his surface. Even now the bear is trying to claw it’s way out at the thought. He pushes it down, fights against it. No, he won’t let it spoil this. Spoil her.

    The touch of her kiss lingers and his own mouth presses to her cheek, breathing her in. ”Tell me what’s wrong.” His words quiet, breathed along her jaw as he sees her ruffle her wings, spread them slightly over her stomach. What was she ashamed of? Pulling away slightly, trying to meet her gaze. ”If I’m causing you this much distress…?” Of course he doesn’t want to upset her. He would go if he had too, if she wanted but not without knowing what it was that bothered her so.

    He suspects guilt, perhaps she was thinking of Magnus. A cold iron fist grabs his heart, squeezes and twists. The bear plays with the lock of his cage, it unhinges. Swallowing hard, he tenses and fights the sensation. No. Not now.


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    RE: But I think that we missed our connection [Ellyse/Offspring/Any] - by Ledger - 07-14-2017, 02:04 PM

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