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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Despite the weather it gets better [Any]


    I will try to hold you up

    Through those times you are gone

    You won’t do this alone

    It’s not a long wait before they come. Her amber gaze shows a lack of surprise. She had always been able to draw attention of the eye with her jaguar spots and defined features. In this new world, she assumes many had been lost and they are rebuilding. They must be eager for new faces, for bodies to fill these kingdoms.

    The first is whispy but beautiful. Her body reminds her of the Tundra, all icy blues and whites swirling into each other much like the ice storms that use to frequently ravage the old bachelor lands. She thinks of herself as plain, Liz disagrees. The stranger’s best features are the endless depths of cobalt that make up the color of her eyes. Like an endless sea, they seem to captivate and swallow one in.

    Her golden iris’s hold firm on Heartfire as she is greeted with almost familiarity. Her face is not one she recognizes, she still remembers much…Too much. A soft breeze ruffles dark feathers as she offers her terse smile in response. ”A home that no longer exists.” It was better to be blunt, they both know why she is here. Another mare seems to appear at the other’s shoulder, one that has no love lost for the jungle. Slightly irritated, her wings uncurl slightly and ruffle to dispel the feeling. There was no point getting upset. The land was gone, the sister’s dispersed. Everything she had created, her one mark she had left on the jungle.. Khaleesi’s and Bloodriders… Her legacy was gone. There was no use crying over spilt milk now. No use getting riled up over people she no longer knew or cared about.

    ”I came from the jungle… So I suppose I’m worthless in your eyes then?” She finally manages to retort, her jaw tense but there is a hint of amusement in the depths of amber. She holds no grudges, not with them. Not yet at least. The Chamber battle? She supposes it had happened, would not be surprised by the incident. She doesn't remember it but that’s not important now. At least she had not been completely forgotten in her absence. ”I’m not quite sure what my thing is anymore Kimber but…”

    Her voice fades, words trailing off as a set of bright red eyes and a dark body fill her vision. For a moment her heart flutters in unexpected anticipation, her throat dries. A quick glance at him makes him look somewhat like her father. But it’s not him. His coat is darker, the color of the night sky. The eyes though, so strangely familiar. She is uncertain for a moment and it shows in her stillness, her quiet thorough search of him. His body carries scars, pink slashes that separate dark flesh. He is the epitome of a warrior, a handsome ruthless creature. He carries himself much like Cross had. It’s eerie but not unwelcome.

    Her gaze has lingered far too long on him, the silence becoming stretched and awkward. She unabashedly doesn't apologize. Instead she merely offers that small tug of a dark smile on sooted lips. Answering his inquiry. ”So I have gathered.” Yes the jungle had fallen, everyone seemed almost eager to press this information on her. Perhaps they were looking for some sort of grief. They would find none, she had shed her tears long ago.

    ”Offspring….” She quietly sounds out his name, mulls over the taste of it in her mouth. ”A pleasure.” She finally manages, coming to a conclusion that she had never heard of him before but it was still possible they were related. Her father had never been quiet about his unfaithfulness. ”Tantalize, for those that don’t know.” Looking for a moment at Kimber before continuing. ”So what do you think you can offer me?” If they wanted her, they would have to work for it. It’s not every day a fallen queen, one that had started wars and left them to fester, just fell into your lap in the field. She knows this, she’s aware of her worth.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Despite the weather it gets better [Any] - by Offspring - 07-01-2017, 04:57 PM
    RE: Despite the weather it gets better [Any] - by Tantalize - 07-13-2017, 08:12 PM
    RE: Despite the weather it gets better [Any] - by Offspring - 07-16-2017, 01:11 AM

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