The green brute continues his posturing, eyes and mouth morphing in surreal ways. But then each stallion abruptly seems to have more interest in Rapture than the other.
As he watches the beautiful disguise slip over her face once again, Levi knows that he was wrong. In his breast cool fingers of guilt have replaced the fire which burned there only moments before.
The creature which had put an end to their games of discovery is wholly forgotten, once again Rapture holds his full attention. He should have waited. She would have told him everything if he had asked softy when they were alone - and Levi is surprised to find himself thinking of the next time they will be alone.
“Its nothing” She murmurs, and he knows that is not enough. Levi can see the cunning in the angular veridian face of her father, he will not be so easily diverted. Levi suspects he is outmatched by the older stallion when it comes to wit, but still he find himself wishing there was something he could say, or better yet un-say. But the father looks at his daughter with searching eyes and seriousness for the first time since he showed up.
He had sought to use her to gain the upper hand, to divert attention from himself and it had worked. So why do I feel like shit?
He can find nothing to say (not for lack of trying) so, the heavy and and tall he stands there silent as an oak tree when he should be smoothing things over. He is not smooth, nor slick and his lack of on the spot cunning leaves him looking like an idiot and feeling all the more uncomfortable because of it.
Despite all of this, he doesn't think of leaving. He is far too entrenched in the unfolding drama for his normal way of dealing with conflict to come to mind.
Jaw clenched and brow furrowed, his gaze never leaves her face.
Real or not.
so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.