07-08-2017, 04:48 PM
if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
Molotov responds, just as she always had, and Amet can't contain his grin. Her yearlong residency in Hyaline had proven a good one, and the gilded king knows he can trust the telepath to keep his new secret between them. Her voice plays in his head and he waits patiently, bright amber eyes roving the lake before him until the black mare breaks the treeline. The Akhal-Teke directs his grin at her and then moves around the edge of the lake, his golden scales glimmering in the winter sun.
What can you tell me about my homeland? his mind reaches out to hers and, at the same time, so does his nihilism. He blocks all advances from the telepath now, protecting his thoughts and his memories from her behind the veil of his trait negation. He only gives her its name, the Dunes, letting it flat in his mind unprotected and away from the rest of his memories.
Amet waits patiently, silently, for Molotov to tell him what she can find.
His amber eyes watch her expression, his own smile suppressed, but only for the time being.