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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  You make my heart beat like the rain;
    face to the sun

    Tangerine was born of a long line of nomads, truly an ancient line. But no one bragged of being a daughter one hundred times begot by another plains dwelling wanderer. Under the eye of Alma generations of her kin had danced, loved and even hated. She had learned of kindness and been taught self-sufficiency, but they didn't teach their children politics.

    So, Tang is slightly disappointed, but not altogether surprised when her words appear to be wrong in some way. It happens more than it should - she talks before she thinks, or she leaves space in the air where she should insert a pleasantry. Internally, she gives a little sigh, but the kindness in her features does not fade when the girl, with softness and grace, says no.

    Tang turns her head to look at Ivar as Nova directs her attention to his scales. Amet with his golden scales is brought to her mind and she wonders why she has never thought to ask him how he got them.  Had he been born with them? She had learned that Beqanna is full of magic, and sometimes if a horse spends a lot of time steeped in its magic strange things can happen- like her own new dreams which seem to hint at the future.

    “There are many strange and beautiful horses here in Beqanna, and a few not so beautiful or kind of course.” Tang had been very surprised by the first few traited and strangely colored residents she had meet. She feels it is only fair to warn Nova that not everyone she will meet can be called a friend. The healing burn on her hock tingles from the memory of the fire wielder who had wrought damage on Amet’s kingdom – a stark reminder of reality. As she looks at Ivar she hopes he is the kind sort like Amet and Warrick.
    But it appears as if the mare would not be leaving alone, so there is no point in overwhelming the newcomer with information. So, Tang doesn’t elaborate, giving Nova a chance to ask the questions she wants answered.

    Then, as if to support Tang’s point another stallion lands beside the group, and the painted mare greets him with a smile before answering Nova’s final remark directed to her. “Hayaline is a lovely place, especially in the spring. You should make a point to see it in the spring when the cherry blossoms and wisteria are blooming.” She suddenly longs for spring with her cleansing rains and new growth. “Our gates are always open to the young, even just for a visit.” As she speaks, Tangerine’s honey colored eyes rest on each face for a moment before passing to the next.

    When Ivar makes his last statement, Tang must make an effort to keep a flicker of longing from passing across her face. She feels the twins stir in her abdomen and is reminded again that her life is a about to drastically change. If she had of meet Nova in the fall her own offer may have sounded much more like Ivar’s than the one which she had spoken. But somehow, Tang had stumbled into responsibility.


    Messages In This Thread
    You make my heart beat like the rain; - by Nova Star - 07-06-2017, 06:05 AM
    RE: You make my heart beat like the rain; - by Nova Star - 07-06-2017, 12:23 PM
    RE: You make my heart beat like the rain; - by Tangerine - 07-08-2017, 08:13 AM

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