07-02-2017, 02:04 PM
I'm gonna set this world on fire
Damn it's flippin' cold!! She shakes violently as a chill starts between her ears then creeps along her spine to her ruby tail. FUCK! She screams inside her skull allowing anyone in mind shot to hear. Her nares flare as the chilled air is brought in and warm air pushed out. The vapor crystallizes onto the fine hairs of her muzzles... Fucking great, icicle boogers!
Drawn out syllables of her name echo in her cranium, or was it her ears, she doesn't know anymore. Blackened ears prick forwards as a smirk curls her ruby lips. Her name was like a sirens song to her, drawing curiousity from the depths of her soul. The lips it came from drew even more. What could her golden boy need from her...?
Her annoyance of the drab weather ceased, for the time being. He called to her with a proposal... No not that kind! A whispered chuckled escaped her ruby painted lips. Her thoughts amused her so.
I wanna play a game... He taunts
If it's a game you wish to play, my dragon king, than a game we shall play! She taunts back to his mind. Curious as to what kind of game he wishes to engage in. I'm sure what she has in mind is far from what he does...
Drawn out syllables of her name echo in her cranium, or was it her ears, she doesn't know anymore. Blackened ears prick forwards as a smirk curls her ruby lips. Her name was like a sirens song to her, drawing curiousity from the depths of her soul. The lips it came from drew even more. What could her golden boy need from her...?
Her annoyance of the drab weather ceased, for the time being. He called to her with a proposal... No not that kind! A whispered chuckled escaped her ruby painted lips. Her thoughts amused her so.
I wanna play a game... He taunts
If it's a game you wish to play, my dragon king, than a game we shall play! She taunts back to his mind. Curious as to what kind of game he wishes to engage in. I'm sure what she has in mind is far from what he does...