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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  can't you see my mind is a burning hell? || ledger [m]

    Bound for trouble from the start
    I've been walking through this old world in the dark

    There is a hardness in her, he had sensed it from the beginning. Feels it now, tension that ripples through her muscles. Uncertainty. He sees it in the depths of the cool greens and curling browns of her beautiful autumn eyes. How funny life is. What she feels is usually meant for him. Yet right now, in this very moment, he has never been more certain of anything in his life. Their hearts are close to bursting with the pain caused by one. The mutual bond they share, the writhing anguish that threatens to consume them. It’s only right that they should burn together.

    Despite his weathered and neglected appearance, she sees something in him. Her own lips part softly, a soft sigh and it quickens his pulse. Makes him press harder into her. He holds back, his own body quivering with anticipation, for he won’t do a thing unless she wants it. Acknowledges that this need isn’t in his head, that she feels it too. Magnus is pushed into the darkest recesses of his mind, he refuses to think about the bigger picture. Doesn’t think of how badly this could all end. How much worse could it possibly get, why didn’t they deserve this small suspended moment in time?

    He’s not stupid enough to think she could possibly love him, no he’s not worthy of that. Love was evasive and certainly not something one can create in a few minutes or an hour. No this was beyond that, he can’t fully understand it. Can’t place a finger on exactly what this is. There’s a hunger in his belly, painful and starving. It’s never been satiated and here is this exquisite tantalizing piece of fruit just dangling mere inches from him. Her body trembles against his as she meets his gaze, her lips at the base of his throat as he swallows hard but his gaze doesn’t waver from hers. ”I’m not going anywhere…”

    The consent is given and he freezes slightly, he hadn’t expected it. For a second the doubts surface but only for a second. The bear consumes them and his body seems to explode. His features darken with his desire for her as they easily press into each other’s curves and hollows, as if they had always belonged there. Feathers stimulating his sides, hardening him as his teeth gently nip at the soft skin above her shoulder. Trailing up to her neck in firm kisses before his lips find hers. This alone is worth everything to him, this feeling is pure ecstasy. It doesn’t matter if they are exposed in the open meadow, nothing matters anymore but her.

    Soft caresses become slightly rougher as they find the spots that make her gasp and writhe beneath his touch. Placing love bites along her back, kissing the rounded curve of her flank as he moves behind her. He takes his time, exploring the length of her body, what she likes. He has never done this before but what he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm.

    The harsh tones from the argument are forgotten, now softer words fall from his tongue as he succumbs to her. She is beautiful and he does not hesitate to tell her so, his breath harsh and heavy even as his lips find her withers again, unable to keep his lips from the sweetness of her skin. What was ecstasy before is pure euphoria now. The feeling of her around him..He is a man addicted and as soon as they finish the first time, he takes her again.

    For one so close to death he is suddenly reenergized, the promise of what he could be hanging in the air. The moon keeps watch, silent and stoic, she keeps her judgement to herself. Silver light clings to the sweat that glistens across his amber coat, his sides heaving from exertion. The exhaustion he feels is new, this need he had long suppressed finally subsiding. His appetite whetted. ”Ellyse..” He mumbles softly into the damp strands of her hair, pulling her to him. There are no words to explain to her how he feels, this rare snapshot of happiness that leaves him speechless.

    For the first time in years… He finally feels tired enough to sleep. Exhausted enough that he’s not afraid of the nightmares that lurk behind the darkness of his eyelid. ”Stay with me.” A soft kiss pressed to her forehead, tasting the salt of her sweat. Wanting nothing more then to hold her beside him, entangled in each other. To be safe within her and knowing that for once the night terrors won't appear.



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    RE: can't you see my mind is a burning hell? || ledger - by Ledger - 07-01-2017, 12:36 AM

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