So make your siren's call and sing all you want, I will not hear what you have to say...
The sun warmed the copper mare's back as it beat down mercilessly this afternoon, but it didn't bother her. Once upon a time she had traveled a wide, barren desert with a band of ponies. They were wiry, ugly things, but smart. And resourceful. Jah had came upon them by accident, had made that wrong turn at Albuquerque when she was headed to Palm Springs. She was on the brink of exhaustion, dehydrated and weary. She had thought they were illusions, deceptions, mirages. They had been real, and brought her water. They allowed her to stay with them for a time, teaching her how to survive in the sandy, windswept deserts the inhabited. She thanked them and danced their tale many times at many solstices. It was one of her favorites. Who are we kidding? They're all her favorites.
Her sunbathing and reminiscing is interrupted only by the approach of hooves. Her head and eyes follow her ears to double check the information. Nope, not one set, but two sets of feet heading towards her. Her brows raise in a pleasant surprise, a beautiful set of siblings they are! One small and dainty, like herself, the other tall enough she has to look up at him as he nears. Her gaze swings back and forth as she watches them. Their loud coloring and synchronized movements hinder her from focusing on one or the other. A brief look of knowing disappointment crosses the brother's face, who was he hoping for? Jah is fresh here, new, no ties, no powers. She is sorry she could not be who he was clearly hoping she was. They speak now to her, voices in unison, matched in perfect harmony. She pricks her ears forward jovially, stepping forward to meet them.
She extends her neck, blowing hard, eager to make an exchange with them. She reaches first for the little mare, close enough to bump muzzles with her. Then comes the brother, more of a stretch for her. She is excited, knotted tail raised slightly.
...I need freedom now, and I need to know how to live my life as it's meant to be.
The sun warmed the copper mare's back as it beat down mercilessly this afternoon, but it didn't bother her. Once upon a time she had traveled a wide, barren desert with a band of ponies. They were wiry, ugly things, but smart. And resourceful. Jah had came upon them by accident, had made that wrong turn at Albuquerque when she was headed to Palm Springs. She was on the brink of exhaustion, dehydrated and weary. She had thought they were illusions, deceptions, mirages. They had been real, and brought her water. They allowed her to stay with them for a time, teaching her how to survive in the sandy, windswept deserts the inhabited. She thanked them and danced their tale many times at many solstices. It was one of her favorites. Who are we kidding? They're all her favorites.
Her sunbathing and reminiscing is interrupted only by the approach of hooves. Her head and eyes follow her ears to double check the information. Nope, not one set, but two sets of feet heading towards her. Her brows raise in a pleasant surprise, a beautiful set of siblings they are! One small and dainty, like herself, the other tall enough she has to look up at him as he nears. Her gaze swings back and forth as she watches them. Their loud coloring and synchronized movements hinder her from focusing on one or the other. A brief look of knowing disappointment crosses the brother's face, who was he hoping for? Jah is fresh here, new, no ties, no powers. She is sorry she could not be who he was clearly hoping she was. They speak now to her, voices in unison, matched in perfect harmony. She pricks her ears forward jovially, stepping forward to meet them.
She extends her neck, blowing hard, eager to make an exchange with them. She reaches first for the little mare, close enough to bump muzzles with her. Then comes the brother, more of a stretch for her. She is excited, knotted tail raised slightly.
...I need freedom now, and I need to know how to live my life as it's meant to be.
someday, we will foresee obstacles