Delicate things are pretty - cute, even,
but you are not delicate.
You are wild and lewd and unpredictable.
You are breathtaking.
You are beautiful.
As someone with my own odd features, I suppose I have always been a bit more conscious of such things than others might be. Of course, in the dark, I don’t even notice the scar adorning my companion’s face. Had I though, it likely would have caused a pang of understanding, of familiarity. Granted, I had been born with my unique physicality, she had not. But the similarities are still there.
Fortunately she does not seem to inclined to comment, and I am perfectly happy to let sleeping dogs lie.
At her first words, I frown, an apology ready on my lips, but when she clarifies, my features clear and my smile brightens. “Yes, it is. It’s always too quiet around here at night.” My words are cheerful as I speak them, but my odd gaze turns distant, contemplative.
After a moment, my expression clears and I shake my head before turning my attention to the water at our feet. Dipping an experimental hoof into the cool liquid, a playful grin crosses my dark lips. “Ever taken a moonlight swim?”