She watches as a small bumblebee emerges from the flower, making its way across the fillies pelt. Wow, she thinks, that sure is somethin'. It's lifelike, the little creature, the wings rapidly beating, carrying it across its backdrop. The faintest of laughs is heard from the varnished femme, and she wonders if the other can feel the creature as well?"Does it tickle?", she inquires with a curious glance. That was an exciting new thing to see, Wichita wondered what other visions might crawl across the canvas of...Amazons was it? Yes, she was sure thats what Ephrelle had called them, a herd of mares only. A sisterhood, she learned, and you got a fancy moving tattoo, unless were a traitor. This was a new concept to Wichita, a mares only herd, but not an unwelcome one. She found it pretty interesting actually, and thought it was a place she might not mind visiting. She had just recently caste herself into the speakers for the Gates, and had yet ventured outside their borders. Perhaps this was something she could put on her to-do, she would need to make herself useful after all. Besides, she had really been sold on the idea. The other had been so enthusiastic that it inspired excitement in Wichita as well, she would be looking forward to that trip. Chocolate oculars lighting up as she took in the information, and a small smile danced across her lips.
Soon, it was her turn to answer questions.
"Oh, well I'm from the Gates. They call it Heavens Gates ya know? It sure is purty, and it has the most wonderful, delicious patches of clover!"She was sure to express that fact, it wasn't every place that had such rich foods. At least, not in her experience."We have a Queen and a King, and a Mother Tree."she replied proudly. They had just recently crowned their new rulers as a matter of fact. A painted mare named Fiasko, and a kind grey stallion named Mast."It aint too far from here actually, just past the hills. Kinda lonely though, when everyone is busy, so I thought how about a trip to the meadow?" blinking, she paused.
"It's my first time leaving the border,"she whispered shortly after, her right hoof raking gently at the earth in her embarrassment.