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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    call me the world's sexiest killing machine; for kharon and umbra [hopefully M >:)]

    Oh hell. I snuck away to the River to hide from temptation. A girl’s got to take care of herself, especially this time of year. It’s a little too close to breeding season to be running around the Meadow, but the River’s new enough and usually pretty sparsely populated, it’s generally easy to find a place to hide and let all the crazy and the drama pass without touching me. A few too many old horndogs ogling all the young girls like we’re pieces of meat, sniffing about like it isn’t the creepiest thing in the world, them checking if we’re ripe for the picking by getting way too close and breathing us in.

    So when I catch the scent of a couple of guys heading our way, I groan and roll my eyes, and resign myself to putting up with a couple of idiots ‘til they give up and walk away. Or ‘til I get sick of their shit and fly off, either way. At least...at least, that’s the plan. Right up until I see him. Oh, he’s magnificent, lavender and white playing across his skin almost like shadows on snow. Mmm, and the way he moves, all sleek and fluid like there’s something molten beneath his beautiful skin. He looks around a bit, glancing at other girls--ones I thought had the same idea I did, right up ‘til one of them started arching her back and flaring her nostrils, flicking her tail in this ridiculous come-hither motion.

    Because, you know, I’m definitely not making any such adjustments to my posture. Nope. Definitely no arching going on over here, and absolutely no trying to catch a better taste of his scent in the air, spice and woods and a hint of musk, mmm, god, he smells delicious.

    What the fuck is happening to me?

    Oh shit, and then he’s looking right at me, and his eyes are this intense grey that stares right into me as he walks closer. Mmh, and he flares out those gorgeous wings of his, fanning them out just a little, and a wave of warmth rushes through me at the sight of his side, the curve of his ribs, the smooth line of his flank. Silly, when I can see them on anyone else with nothing more than a glance. This feels different, though, especially with the way those grey eyes are staring into mine.

    I swear I don’t tell them to, but my wings flare out just a little in response, just enough to give him a peek too. Mmm, he doesn’t say a word, just starts to circle around me, hunger rising in his eyes. And for the first time, I love that look. I want more, and I peer over my shoulder at him as he circles around behind, raising my wings just a tiny bit more to let his eyes rove over me. Stretching the one nearest him out farther still to just brush the edge against his as he walks past.

    Well hello there.

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    RE: call me the world's sexiest killing machine; kharon - by Umbra - 06-18-2017, 11:11 PM

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