Red Dun - primitive markings and green eyes
4 years old
Lion Shifting
Here for mock/practice
A lion prowls on the boarder of Nerine. The earth rumbles and his meaty paws carry him in the direction of the disturbance. It is easy to find the crowd, he follows the clear voice which rings on the wind. As the arena comes into view Zenith’s body starts to change. He grows taller, and leaner, his claws pull together to create hard hooves and the hair on his tail lengths. After a moment, he is almost fully equine but there are still hints of the lion he is in his appearance. His mane does not tumble to one side as a normal horse’s may, it is full and cascades across his shoulders, under his belly and behind his elbows. And of course, there are the teeth… he likes to keep those long ivory spikes in both forms.
Zenith is almost there, his emerald eyes set on the woman addressing the group when two other bodies appear beside him. A petite female and what appears to be her son. The apparition is gone in a moment, but not before he can send a charming fanged smile in her direction.
His giant is elastic and his mood is high. Zenith enjoys the action of his long equine legs when he is in his horse form - when he has recently switched over his step tends to be high and showy. The group begins to funnel into the enchanted arena and Zenith falls in alongside the youthful yet tall colt, the son. “I hope you’re ready to get a beating.” He says playfully to the boy at his shoulder. He isn’t out for blood today, but he hadn’t felt the rush of a good match in quite a while. He thoroughly enjoys a good scrape.