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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Double the Hearts Double the Fear

    this is what i brought you, this you can keep
    this is what i brought, you may forget me
    i promise to depart, just promise one thing
    kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep

    ____Sometime's Lye's mind is a dark and mysterious place, lots of turns and dark corners and many, many dead ends. The immortal mare had spent a long time wandering the long, dark halls and recesses of her mind and often found nothing but these blank walls, the darkness that would meet every end filled her heart with a dull ache. The black mare never thought she'd come out of them, never once thought there would be another place to call home other than the soulless beach where the dying come to take their last breath. Her dull hooves scrape the ground of her hinds as she moves uneasily a little. The soft grasses beneath her a blessing. Her halloween eyes, pumpkin orange, watch the mare and her young child, with a curiosity of a cat to a bird, watching her move, her instincts coming naturally. Lye gave a low snort, preposterous. A child, she would never harm, a child... Lye's ears drooped back and to the side, a dullness taking her orange eyes. It was her life's beginning again. A poison, an ugly stain upon society. She gave a low, hopeless nicker.

    ____"I... why would I hurt your child?" her voice is shallow, almost like the hasty breath she took in. Her eyes swept over the young boy and she noticed him watch her. A child. what is was like to have a gift come from within you. Lye's eyes closed momentarily, she took a long breath and thought of the run alongside Cezary (their fun still evident in her slightly weary hinds) his kind words and his promise of a home, they filled the deep emptiness inside of her, bit by bit. Ebony mane, messed and unkempt with thorns and leaves and its of grass, it fell over her eyes, concealing the orange strangeness that might have put the mare and child off. She didn't want the sorrow to ebb at her heart anymore, she didn't want to have looks of disdain or hatred. She nickered, slowly and softly. "I'm sorry if I frightened you." she did that, occasionally. she wasn't sure why, but her presence seemed to make those on their toes, skittish. Lye's front off dragged across the earth, she stepped further away then, giving the pair distance. She then craned her head, eyes sweeping over the beautiful rolling hills and plains of tall grasses, over the lake, the bending river. She kept her eyes off of the two, pleasant and cool, she tried to give a little reassuring smile. But then this was all new, talking, socialising. It got her thinking things that weren't right, it made Lye think she was not worth the time of day. But then she thought of Cezary, his kind buckskin face and she had a smile touch her lips if only for a moment.

    ____"Cezary should be around. He'll probably be here soon." her eyes drew back to the pair, trying desperately not to frighten the young one, she kept her forelock concealing her odd coloured eyes, her face, everything about her she tried to hide. But like a black inkblot upon paper, she stood out of the colourful beauty that was Golden Plains. She did not introduce herself. She wasn't sure if the mare even wanted to know her. She came because of Cezary's offering. He was kind, just. Like a knight in shining armour he came across Lye's broken mind and was starting to put the pieces together. She was grateful of the steed, very much so. She hoped the mare with her child would be as grateful. Kindness was a rarity these days, at least to Lye it was. Her sad eyes, years of painful memories, a lifetime of sadness, they stared out from beneath the dark curtain and watched the two. A child. who would think she would possibly harm an innocent child? The black mare harmed not even a fly. She couldn't. it was not in her nature. She harmed her self plenty of times. Falling over, scraping herself, dragging herself through hedges and thorn brushes. But to harm another? Preposterous.


    the orange eyed, immortal daughter of busted & locket, who wears her heart on her sleeve in golden plains, with, cezary

    Messages In This Thread
    Double the Hearts Double the Fear - by Latara - 06-10-2015, 03:45 PM
    RE: Double the Hearts Double the Fear - by Lye - 06-10-2015, 04:13 PM
    RE: Double the Hearts Double the Fear - by Latara - 06-11-2015, 03:01 PM
    RE: Double the Hearts Double the Fear - by Lye - 06-18-2015, 04:11 AM

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