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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    there is never a day that goes by; spink pony
    so you want to play with magic?
    you should know what you're falling for.
    She cannot help it. She laughs. The kind of rude, incandescent laughter that rings true against the trees and sets their mirth against those who are grumpy patooties. And Hurricane, is one of those creatures, who is determined to be a Mister Grumpy Gills.

    Just keep swimming.

    “You’re so serious!” she cackles. Happenstance. Of all the words you could use? You chose to use that one?! BAHAHA!” Tears are dripping down her eyes as she laughs in a way she has not in ages, her body trembling with the ache in her side because of it. Her eyes level him then, and she pushes her body to grow to meet his height so she could look him in the eyes. And then, she smiles at him while she changes colors rapidly, like a color-shaded kaliedescope, pushing past him while she draws her body down the side of his, not caring in the least that he has been snotty to her. She finds herself wanting, and he happens to be standing there. So convenient. The heat from him burns her skin, and she finds that she likes it. “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,” she croons, all while, eying him with a crooked gaze as the color bleeds like a bad child’s painting. And then, she comes behind him, and is not shameless about ogling his backside…

    Damn, you’re fine.

    And then she smiles at him again, speaking, trying not to laugh again, trying to keep a straight face as she bites her lip, digging her front hooves in the ground. Her body, goes slim and grey, a pure blue-grey grullo. Her pelt is smooth, lithed and perfect as it cuts beautifully across her hips and up her neck, so smooth it is begging to be touched. “Much more to your liking?” She purrs, trying to be sexy… and failing miserably. “Set adrift, you were saying? That’s such a shame. Well. If you find yourself lost, I’m sure that the next time someone cracks open an emergency flare, I’m sure that they will find you, if any of your friends are out here looking for you." She motions to his body, which has has changed to hot pink and yellow glowing splashed mess. "Quite the improvement, I dare say. I can take you much more seriously now that you are glowing a nuclear pink.”

    And then, she cannot help herself.. She laughs again. “If there were ghosts here, I dare say you’d scare them off now! You look like a snow cone!"

    Though how Reagan knows what a snow cone is, this writer has no idea.

    Probably Magic.


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: there is never a day that goes by; spink pony - by Reagan - 06-17-2017, 01:15 AM

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