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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we have arrived; the lost boys, residents of hyaline
    im a DIY pioneer, they tryna get involved
    She was not a lost boy. Or a lost girl. Deathwish was simply bored, saw a group of ravenous personalities her age, and filtered in. She looked down her lavender grey nose at them, silver eyes flashing, and had followed them to Hyaline, bringing up the rear, a bored look In her eyes. She had thought they intended to topple a society. The itching for power and destruction came from both her mother and her father, and she loved to see damage done. But this was no grand illusion… this was just a couple of kids vandalizing the world, and giggling about it over bootlegged beer and a bonfire afterwards.

    This was not Ischia.

    And for the first time, since that raid, she found that she missed her family. Though she would never say it. The resting bitch face was cool, her body pristine and perfect as she climbs the precipice, rotting all the grass behind them so as to cover their scent and their tracks—should they be followed. However, the tongue lashing that these kids would receive from their parents… or siblings, in this case… was probably deserved.

    What was she doing here?

    Iset the first sound called. The spoiled brat that suggested they go and smash up her own home. She, the princess of this land, had no pride. DW had snorted slightly at the thought of going to what was essentially Neverland to do their bidding. Or Paradise Island. Who would care if they were here?

    Nobody. That’s who.

    Iset came the call again, and she sees a boy about the princess’ age, bounding down the rocky cliff after his sister. The trees he goes past—DW cannot help it. She rolls her eyes, and with nary a thought the ground from underneath them is pulled away from their roots, withering actively in a way that would normally have taken decades. The pinecones, fall like assault weapons trailing over and around him as he approaches them all. Roots wither away, creating an unshaky foundation for the trees upon which to stand, causing some of them to topple over.

    Let us see how surefooted the boy was after going through this little obstacle course. DW’s silver eyes light up with sardonic mirth as she twists her black lips into a smug smile. But otherwise she says nothing, as she comes up on Maugrim’s other side, noting that his purple markings bore a striking resemblance to—well.. her. One of the Covelings.

    Interesting, that. No wonder they both had a penchant for macabre chaos.

    yippee kiyay ahh yea, bout to set it off
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    RE: we have arrived; the lost boys, residents of hyaline - by Deathwish - 06-16-2017, 01:18 PM

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