06-17-2015, 10:19 PM
Oh look, oh my star is fading
"There were two." A quick pause. "Well, technically three and a few more, but there were really two that I fought." She doesn't hesitate to elaborate, but she isn't bragging, isn't telling a story of incredible bravado that she'd just been waiting to share. Instead, she's sharing because Ephrelle seems legitimately curious, and she isn't shy about sharing when others are legitimately interested. "I met one of them out in space. It was huge, and it was like goo. Like sap from one of the trees, but muddier." she struggles to explain the concept. "It had a huge mouth though, and it ate me after I asked it for directions! But it was okay, because after it ate me, I was where I needed to be." she pauses, realizing how incredibly farfetched it sounded, but knowing that it was all true, and that's all that mattered.
"Then I met the two. The first one was HUGE – it had to be as big as the central meeting-place in the jungle here." she remembers it clearly, a monstrosity. "It had a big center with these things that looked like snakes shooting out. And it had one single eye that could roll all around the center, and when it saw you, it'd shoot out a snake-looking thing." she pauses then, catching her breath. Her voice has stayed quiet and gentle as she's telling the story. "I got caught by it once, before I saw the big monster. That's where I got the scrapes on my barrel. " she gestures to it with her nose. Thankfully, it doesn't hurt much. "I bit it, and it was surprised and dropped me."
"I got away from it because I figured out, if it couldn't see you, it couldn't snakes you. So I jumped and I ran to get away from it. And I scraped my knees a bunch with that." Nothing glamorous there – just your garden variety filly hurting herself, but with a lot more 'running from monsters' and a lot less 'just being goofy'.
"Then there was one that was very tall and ran on only two legs. It was black and just had a bunch of mouths on it." That one had been arguably the more creepy of the two, although both had been pretty bad. "It would come closer and closer, slowly, and you'd just have to keep running. So I was dodging the one, and trying to run from the other." Coming from any other filly, this would surely seem like bragging. But coming from Wrynn, it sounds as though she's equally surprised she was able to do it. "I'm just glad I was able to make it." she says, entirely truthfully.
And then she's prepared to be silent, but she remembers at the last minute that Ephrelle had asked another question. "Oh, you asked how it tasted!" she says, with the rush of memory. Her face screws up in a look of concentration. It wasn't something she'd really thought about at the time – she'd had a lot of other things on her mind. "Well, it kind of tasted like…you know those berries that just taste sour? They look like they'd be good, but they're just awful, and when you accidentally eat them you want to go rinse your mouth out in the nearest stream? It tasted kind of like that."