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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we have arrived; the lost boys, residents of hyaline
    He’d missed his fiery sister, her easy companionship when he gave in to her will keeping her iron forged attitude cool. He missed the warmth of her body during the night, the way they’d lay hip against hip when they were younger than now. He supposed their easy dependence on one another would naturally wane as they grew older. And yet now, in this hour, beneath moon, dark and stars when his twin could shed her responsibilities, he’d hoped that they could just be them, Iset and Sakir, and unburden. But his twin did not haunt her usual craggy peak, which made him pause, though he did not give in to worry, not yet. And so high upon the craggily ridges of their mountain home, the wind twisting his hair into knots, Sakir waited for Iset to return to them.
    She slid into the kingdom silent and as stealthy as a predator shadows prey. And he noted, the fine hairs prickling along the curve of his spine, his twin did not return alone. The young stranger she brought with her stalked her as tightly as if he were her own shadow. Sakir didn’t like it. There was something about the stealthiness of it all that didn’t sit right. Who was this stranger she snuck into Hyaline beneath the blanket of night? For what purpose did she bring him now? Sakir’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. His twin was exceptionally gifted in crafting trouble from air. He wondered what Amet had done this time? And with a jolt of guilt, he realised he’d not been as present for her as he should have been, too caught up in brooding on what was, rather then what is now. Whatever this was, perhaps innocent, perhaps not, he’d find out what was going on, he would be there for her.

    Iset,” he called from above, clattering a shower of loose rocks as he leapt and half slid from one craggy boulder down upon another. “Iset,” he called to her again, his shout loud with a bouncing echo in the once quiet still of dead night. He was a long way from them though he made his way as fleet footedly as the terrain allowed. Towards Iset and her companion and…

    use water, use anything! <3

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    RE: we have arrived; the lost boys, residents of hyaline - by Sakir - 06-15-2017, 09:35 PM

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