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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I should probably say something witty; ANY

    He can always tell the virgins from the veterans of the field.  There are always little ticks, twitches, darts of the eye or lack of that can give one away. The pinto mare becomes obvious to him as he is wandering aimlessly around in the fading afternoon sunlight. For months now he has had no real goals or destination in mind, just wandering and when he tires he rests his greasy bones next to the rolling rapids of the River. Every once and again he’ll pass by the field and not be able to resist a stroll through it just to see who can find and what they might be doing. Truthfully he has no real plans of whisking anyone away – who would want to follow a stranger with no destination? His speckled body is melded perfectly, seamlessly, into the umbrage of undergrowth and their dancing shadows. Within these dappled blankets of no light he remains camouflaged completely; even his bright eyes fade into the darkness.

    He watches her for a while as her eyes seem to glaze over and her dreams take her away. He cannot see much but the side of her face and part of her patch-pattern ribcage. She’s not new to Beqanna, surely, she’s most definitely native born. He forces himself to make the decision now, before the sun sets, will he say hello to the pretty lady or keep walking and be on his merry way?

    He breaks through the green arms of the blooming hobble-bushes, their white flowers shedding milky petals as he comes forward into view. As the pliant branches let go of him, the shadows do too. His inky body slips into to the warm yellow glow of the evening sun slanting over the field. The bone-white paleness of his face is splashed over by a long slick of salt and pepper forelock. He’s sure she heard his footsteps, those big feet of his but he lets out a snort anyway as if casually clearing his nostrils. “Oh,” he feigns surprise pretty well, “I wasn’t sure I’d run into anyone out here.” He laughs kind of awkwardly. They are somewhat near the eastern border, so perhaps that will pass for not creepy – maybe. His closest eye is not hidden beneath spiraling coal hair, looking her over her bum to head as he walks up to stand beside her in the tall grass. He positions himself as if he’s going to keep walking after a brief pause, stepping out in front a pace or two. “It’s  going to be a nice night, anyhow. Do you have a place to go, traveler?” he turns over his back, putting on his most innocent face.. Think pure thoughts. Nothing of how her curves are quite nice and that ageless skin looks like skin to touch.

    Could he possibly convince her come back to the River with him? Such an idea strikes him as utterly delightful and he cannot stop the grin pulling at his lip’s edges. He does not want to give himself away, not yet. Only for a night or two babe, then you can go wherever you want. It has been while, hasn’t it? Tail is a little harder to come by with no land and no herd. Note to self.

    c h e m d o g

    in absentia luci, tenebrae vincunt


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    RE: I should probably say something witty; ANY - by Chemdog - 06-15-2017, 06:37 PM

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