06-13-2017, 08:45 AM
from the ashes, a fire shall be awoken
Her inability to trust (and her absolute need to not be the fool) seems to cloud the pretty features of the ebony mare. The soft lines of her dark face become hard as she twists them into a scowl, glowering as the colt literally is not afraid or put off by her presence. Part of her wishes to tell the boy that he is rather lucky it is her that he’s come upon – she is merely bad-tempered and frustrated; not searching to feel flesh break beneath her teeth or bones to crack with the force of her hooves. She had been looking for peace and quiet, which was now nonexistent with the news of Loess now being a kingdom – she may never rest again. He is the first of many who will begin to trickle down and visit her home.
Merida is able to tell that there is no malice in his voice, no sarcasm laced on his youthful questioning. However, that did not soothe her fiery disposition as much as she had hoped, for her black ears still hide beneath the tangled mess of her red mane. Oh how she wishes she had some sort of ability – to light a fire beneath his hooves or tangle his legs in constricting vines; but she continues to stare at him fiercely, wondering to herself if she will take the time to have more children if this is what they are like – clueless and too damn curious.
Taking a few steps forward with heavy hooves, about to inform the black and pale colt that she is unfortunately, not in charge of menial things such as showing children different trees (with maybe a few more choice words thrown in) but her thought process is interrupted by a gentle and sweet voice behind her. Her brow becomes a hood over the sparkling red of her eyes that now look upwards in exasperation – a look that Heda would not have seen, yet Ivar would take full notice.
With a sigh and her black lips pressing forcefully into a thin smile, Merida turns her head over her shoulder to look at Heda, her brows now rising in amusement. “Ivar, is it?” Her voice attempts to be gentle as her head tilts questioningly, but the endeavor is lost as it slips through a clenched teeth, bringing her head forward again to stare with a narrowed gaze at the colt before her. Of course, he knew the golden girl. He seems to be full of luck today.
The black mare bristles noticeably as Heda suggests that Merida show him around, eyes widening to gaze at the winged mare. The mere force of will keeps her jaw from dropping open in disbelief. Merida’s head snaps back to Ivar, eyes narrowing at him once again as a sharp snort leaves her nostrils. Had she just become his babysitter? A cruel punishment, to say the least.
With a roll of her shoulders as if to shrug off the idea, a gritted and growling “Fine.” leaves her lips as the black mare turns her head and then herself towards the tree that Ivar had picked out himself, waiting for the pied colt to draw up beside her.
Merida is loving this lmao