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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    hell is empty and all the devils are here; ghoest
    She had broken so easily, it almost hadn’t been worth the effort. And he enjoys her all the same. If he wants a challenge he can always go out and get another mare. In the meantime, it’s nice to have a little plaything that won’t resist him when he’s in the mood for some fun. She will do quite nicely in his herd.

    He can see the cogs moving in her brain, working through her new situation, evaluating. She can see that there is no escape. He is too strong, too cunning. She will obey.

    She speaks up finally, asking after a bed and he grins. “Quite right. We can’t have you fainting on me now.” No, she needs to be awake for the fun he wishes to have. And as he has thought before, she needs to be strong and healthy so that the young that will grow inside her can be strong and healthy as well.

    “What kind of bed interests you? The hills are nice and open, with many soft places to rest.” Not to mention full of food and water that she will likely need, going by her weakened appearance. “Or, if you wish to sleep somewhere more private, there are lots of trees farther back behind the hills, and even a few caves.” Not that any place more private will hide her from him, but he’s sure she can figure that out easily enough. “But, make sure that you do not stray too far to the North. There is another stallion living there with his herd, and I do not wish for him to have any designs on you. Don’t think of going to him for help either. He also chose to live in the so called ‘evil’ herd lands, I doubt he would be that different of a master than I.” He has been smelling the new stallion and his mares as of late, though he has not deigned to approach him. He has no interest in doing so, so long as the stranger leaves his own mares alone.

    His thoughts turn from the nearby stallion, back to the little plaything standing in front of him. “Now, feel free to eat and drink your fill. I want you to be strong and healthy for the upcoming season.” An almost kindly tone enters his voice. “Now, do you have any questions before we find you somewhere to rest?”
    K H A O S
    iron son of carnage and oswyn
    hell is empty and all the devils are here
    Reference here

    Would you mind if Khaos marked her in some way? Because it strikes me as the creepy-ass sort of thing he would enjoy doing. Tongue

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: hell is empty and all the devils are here; ghoest - by Khaos - 06-17-2015, 04:36 PM

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