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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'd rather die, than give you control [M]| Dovev
    html by Toli, overall design and quote style based on "Dovev" by Laura

    Those damn eyes.

    He hated those damn eyes, had to get away from them. That soft, sad look like he’d hurt her. But she agreed, they had both agreed. He said it was best that she not touch him, not with how it affected him, what it did to him, and she agreed. She wouldn’t touch him, he wouldn’t touch her. They would just be.. whatever the fuck they were. Friends, or something. Roommates, sort of. Because Luster had moved in, of course. She was hurt, heartbroken from the stupid idiot that let her go (what a fucking cunt), and he wanted her there where he could watch over her. Make sure she was okay.
    Because, despite the fact they met with his teeth ripping into her and leaving a vicious scar and a trail of blood, he cared about her. A lot. And he'd make damn sure that she was okay and fucking stayed that way.

    Well. As much as he could between training, hunting some metal bastard, and seeing Dizzy every chance he got.

    And Dizzy was exactly who he needed today.

    He needed to remember the black and the white of her skin (as if he could forget), bury himself in her exotic scent. Trace every curve til he could draw her flawlessly in his mind without looking. Then do it again. And again. Let his mind shut down for a while and only see her. Dizzy. Feel that little prick in her belly punch at his face. Zoryn’s kid, you know. Figures. Although, Dizzy had a mouth on her too. Mmm, a damn good one. Would probably be born talking shit to him once it sees him. So what if that made him smile a little? It just figures. He’d just go soak himself in his Dizzy for a while, her smile, her scent, her touch. Hold her close just as she liked, as they liked. His haven, his Dizzy. Get away from the wild confusion constantly consuming his mind now. That goddamned dream.

    It hadn't happened. It was just a dream.
    He reminded himself of that quite a lot.
    Because it sure as hell hadn’t felt like a dream.

    But it was. And Dizzy wasn’t. Dizzy was his, and he was hers. Damn, that still terrified him. It wasn’t supposed to happen, had never meant for it to happen. A freak accident. A really -damn- incredible freak accident. And as far as he knew, she and Zor had been done ever since that day. Over with. He'd asked her for that, hadn't he? A promise she couldn't keep. Or maybe she could. Maybe it wasn't fair for him to ask it of her. No, fuck that, of course it was. But really, he had no way of knowing, and fuck did that piss him off.
    He wouldn't ask it of her. She could make her own choices, right? He didn't want to know. This wasn't like with Cerva. She wasn't at his side 24/7, and probably wouldn't want to be. And he sure as hell didn't want her there if fucking Zoryn would be tagging along. Zor knew how he was; he doesn't fucking share. Nobody touches whats his. Not if they wanted to breathe another second of their pathetic life. Even Zoryn. Never mind that they had their past, the three of them. Zoryn knew how he was. He'd either respect it and back the fuck off or challenge it.
    Aaaannnd, we're going to fucking challenge it. He really wanted to play this game, huh? Fine. He'd play. They were the ones who made the rules, after all. The two of them. He’d play.

    Something shifted in his mind, clicked into place.
    Zoryn stalked towards him, that beast burning so brightly in those brown eyes flecked with amethyst. Dovev turned to him readily, easily. Eagerly. And he stalked forward too. He’d take this head-on like every other challenge. They rounded and circled each other like rabid wolves looking for an opening, a wicked grin tipping his black lips, setting that spot of blue in the corner to twinkling. Did Zoryn remember that grin? Remember what it tasted like with his own blood on it? Zoryn was a big bastard. There was a lot of blood to go around, and he liked to share, didn’t he?
    ”Where do you think you’re going.”
    To Dizzy, obviously. But he knew that already, and Dovev’s wolfish smile widened just a little, black eyes glittering. What’s the matter, Zor, he purred softly in that sexy-smooth voice Zoryn knew so, so very intimately. They circled another time, slowly, their eyes locked on each other. Dovev had training on his side, some fucking intense training from the magician that claimed the brand burned into his flank. He had speed, strength that couldn’t be guessed at by the look of his bone-thin, starved body. So frail, he looked, as though he hadn’t eaten in months. And this armor, these bone plates that grew in painful phases, bled freely and made him look as dangerous and terrifying as he was. His own daughter knew him for a monster. His sightless daughter that left him for his greatest enemy.

    He pushed the thoughts away, buried them like he was so good at doing. There was only he and Zor.
    Zoryn had strength too. Probably more so with his blood, so thick and muscled. Broad, and yet still quick. So swift. He hadn’t gotten the formal training, but with how often they beat the shit out of each other, he’d certainly picked up a few things. He had that wild side, too. The unpredictability of a secret beast.
    Dov had a wild side too. His rage. But Zor didn’t typically ignite that, oddly enough.
    What's the matter, he repeated in a whisper, leaning into the pocket of air between them. Decide you miss me after all? Huh, Zor? After all this fucking time?! He spat the last of it with a snarl. His pace slowed and he carefully came to a stop, watching the gold-and-white bastard’s every faintest move. Ready to dodge, ready to strike. He took a step forward. His face smoothed again.
    Don’t you miss it, Zor? Quiet again. Another step, straight on, bottomless black eyes staring into Zor’s. He remembered when they first met, when it all started. How they’d bitten into that spot just there, there in that soft hollow between shoulder and neck. How it sang through Zoryn’s body, tilted his head in ecstasy, and how Zor’s pleasure in that pain had fueled his own. That surge of power knowing he’d done that to Zor, he’d put that pleasure there. Dov swore to him that day. And he reminded him now.
    Don’t you remember?
    I’m the only one that can truly sate you, give you what you need.

    Did he really have to remind him again?
    He pressed forward. One last, slow step, and his eyes left Zor’s as his head turned, dipped to that scar that was his, there in that strong shoulder. He touched his lips to it, just barely, felt the heat of Zor's skin. His heart raced, as it always did. A hot breath fanned against the gold. With a sudden jerk of movement, he sank his teeth in, that spot that was HIS, bit down and clamped tight, rolled that familiar tang over his tongue with a soft groan. His jaw clenched tighter, then he released with a sigh, licking slowly at the corner of his lips. He knew that taste. He knew Zoryn's blood.
    He turned his head, pressed his bloodied lips just below Zoryn’s ear and whispered the bastard’s words back to him.
    Do something.

    You've only got 10 more paces to live
    Enjoy your last moments. They're my gift to give


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    RE: I'd rather die, than give you control [M]| Dovev - by Dovev - 06-09-2017, 12:40 AM

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