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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'd rather die, than give you control [M]| Dovev

    do something about it
    He is a mass of pent up rage. He seethes with it. The rage and the urge for pain are a living thing inside him. Hell, more alive in him than ever. It grows; his beast. Feeding on his anger like lifeblood. Rich and dark. The beast paces, snarling and dragging claws along the edges of his mind. Driving him wild, driving him forward. The images of his Dizzy pulling away from him, over and over, are fuel to the fire inside. It is a dull roar in his veins, but it grows sharper with every pass over his memories. Fresh wounds, so fresh on his psyche. This raw and unwelcome inner pain. He seeks to drown it out in the best way he knows how. Knows just who he wants to have it out with. None other than the cause of his inner turmoil. Diz's turmoil. Perhaps the one solely responsible for it all.

    But no, precious. The bone-plated bastard is not the only one who bears that weight. Zoryn had been greedy, blind with the wonders of mixing pleasure and pain until they were all lost in it. His fault, just as much as theirs, if not more so. So it lies with him to remedy this horrible mess. No longer the beautiful disaster he had proclaimed it to be. Not when the result has Dizzy pulling away from his touch. Again and again. Zoryn had done this to them. His fault. And now there was so much more at stake. Not just him. Not just her. Not just Dov. Dizzy carries within her all of their salvation. The answer to a riddle long unraveled. The very thing that he had never thought to want, let alone have. And it was coming. So soon, the precious would be here. And if it was the very last thing Zoryn would ever do, he would protect them. Dizzy and her child. Their child. Nothing would harm them. Not in any way. Not as long as there is breath within him. He and Diz would be better for this child; they had sworn to it. This child would know a better life than its parents had been given.

    Zoryn would let no one- NO one- stand in the way of that. Jeopardize, that.

    And so, it would seem he has a bone to pick. Plenty of frustration to be rid of, as he prowls through the so-familiar Forest that might as well be called his home. Hunting the man that is little more than bones over skin and more bone. He somehow knows he will be here. Knows because as the scent of the man would fade, it returns again. Taunting him with his presence. The mingling of scents; his and hers. More than a taunt. A theft. Yes, stealing away that which should have been his- had been his. Until recently. And all Zor had received had felt like rejection. Denial of the things he so needed. Leaving behind a cold, angry beast as he is now.

    Amethyst-flecked brown eyes are glazed over as he hunts, nostrils flaring for a hint of his coppery scent. And like a shark to the scent of blood, he is drawn. Hones in on it and charges toward it. He cares not when the forest grows tighter and the spaces narrow, delighting in the glorious stinging as branches and thorns snag at his skin and hair. He lets it fuel him, spurring him on.

    He does not slow until he breaks through the thicket, into the clearing where his target walks. The beast roars, and Zor's face tightens into a snarl as he comes into view, ears pinned beneath his ebon locks. He slows back to that prowling gait, eyes locked on Dovev, unwavering. "You." The word seethes from between clenched teeth. He takes in the sight of him as he rounds the other male, heart thundering and burning inside his chest. The other had been walking- inward, he realizes, and it doesn't take much to guess where he was headed. "Where do you think you're going." Nowhere, that's where he's going. Not until things are settled. Not until he's cleared things up a bit.

    Messages In This Thread
    I'd rather die, than give you control [M]| Dovev - by Zoryn - 06-07-2017, 02:50 PM

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