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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Levi]
    And all that you hold dear shall crumble and fall around you

    As she stood surrounded by the ash, small embers still lit amongst the soot.  Her deadened trees were gone but still fed the fire effortlessly in the small bits that remained.  Twirling spindles of smoke scattered about the clearing -reaching for the skies above- like spirits escaping their earthly prisons... 

    Dark brown eyes landed upon him again as his flame spheres collasped.  No smoke or hint of their existence remained.  As his splashed bay form began to receed back into the depths of darkness that surrounded the clearing his features looked perplexed.  She did not motion forwards but cocked her head slightly as she observed him.  Soon his motion ceased.  A fire igniting with his eye again and extending outwards to the tree beside him.  His darling flames struggled this time.  They did not burn hot and fast as before.  His focus stronger as he kept her burning at the base of the mighty pine.  Her pine...

    That feeling returned, rushing beneath her flesh and gripping her insides.  Clawing it's way up her chest, adrenaline fueling it's fight to free itself.  She held onto it for fear of what it would do if she couldn't control it.  Her breathing slowed pace- eyes closed in concentration.  Control it Kolera... 

    Upon an even and steady exhale she pushed the feeling down... It would be controlled.  Had to be controlled.  Slowly her eyes opened, the deep bark brown they had been born to her remained.  Watching his flames struggle to feed upon the living form. A grin twisted upon her lips as her delicate crown tucked to her chest as she released her demons with a strike to the ash below her.  Her sooty hoof leaving a scar to the earth as her powers quickly spread.  Any grass upon the ground disintegrated... Roots of the underbrush curled as the poison soaked into them and fed into the heart of the plant, blackening it instantaneously.  Crawling it's way to the pine beside him.  Begging to feast upon something more satisfying.  She directed it's path, careful to not allow the destruction to spread too far.  Dark eyes firmly planted upon the base of the tree- just below his flames...

    Reaching it's destination quickly, the poison fed easily into the vulnerable tissues of it's prey.  The protecting bark that encased the pine could not save it now.  Steadily the darkness spread, drying the needles that now fell like rain.  Growths began to protrude along the trunk, black from the disease pushed into it.  The flames began to feed more easily as the bark peeled away, exposing the drying tender tissues.  Rising quickly as his flames claimed more of her pine...

    Reclaiming the poisons once again, she drew them back into her.  Chaining them once again within her until she was ready to release the destruction once more.  Grin still prevalent upon her features as she merely watched their powers at work...


    Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust


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    RE: Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Levi] - by Kolera - 06-05-2017, 09:48 AM

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