show them the joy and the pain and the ending
It is not the first time her abilities have been mistaken for mind-reading. There is a close connection, after all. Still, traditional methods of blocking mind-readers have no hopes of working on her. She had long ago learned that it is rather a boon to be so misjudged, and so she feels no compunction to correct the mistake. She may not be able to read minds, but the woman’s dry non-answer is answer enough.
She also feels no need to make any response beyond a slight quirking of her lips into the barest of smiles. There is no humor in that expression, but she has no doubt the other mare would be able to read plenty from the simple upturn of her mouth.
In so many ways they are similar. She would be blind not see such a thing, especially given her particular abilities. But neither is she naive enough to believe she could ever get along with herself, or anyone too similar, for that matter. Perhaps once, when she was young, she might have been able to develop a friendship with the mare next to her, but the opportunity has long since passed. Fate had decreed otherwise. She had met Wyrm instead. She is not fool enough to believe she would have developed such a deep and abiding kinship with the green stallion had she met him as an adult rather than a child.
But frankly, that is neither here nor there. Despite all odds, she does have a care for the man, and much more than a care for their children. She does not expect his woman to understand her reasons for her actions, nor does she have any desire to explain. She does, however, have a strong protective streak that Ellyse just happens to be trodding dangerously close to.
All expression slips from her features, her brilliant blue eyes sparking with a frigid fire. “And I do not trust those who cannot see past the end of their nose.”
She allows the silence to stretch for a heartbeat or two, eyes fixed upon the golden mare. Insulting Wyrm is one thing - he is a grown man who can defend himself - insulting her children is something else entirely. And the brazen woman had come perilously close to doing so. Close enough that she could not allow it to rest unchallenged. “You should leave before you say something best left unsaid.”
i filled up my senses with thoughts from the ghosts