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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Any;
    He walked away, his heart cold and shattered with icy fractals of lingering pain. Why wasn't he over this yet? Why wasn't he okay again? It had been so long already. What was wrong with him? His chest was gripped tight in a vise, and his movements felt stiff and forced though he still walked steadily away. Back home. He shouldn't leave his forest until he was healed. She would just find him again and make it worse.

    He just wanted to be over this.

    The trees before him slowly bowed together to stop him. He knew what he would do and he kept walking, feeding his magic to this wall of entrapment, but a warmth slid into him, spread through him, and he slowed. His steps grew heavier as he tried to trudge on, tried to ignore it. But it felt so good. His cold skin heated through and his muscles warmed. Before he knew it, he was stopped with his eyes closed and a quiet hum in his throat.

    He'd intended to do something though, and he held onto it. Like being numb, and telling himself to push a knife into his palm. It didn't sound like such a good idea anymore. Why had he wanted to do this? Why was he still making himself do it, as he flexed his ice like a clenched fist over a blade.

    God, this warmth felt good.
    How long had he been so cold?

    Her voice was there, thick and sweet like smooth honey, slipping into his mind with silent apologies. Explanations.

    He weaved his magic as he slowly turned to her, freezing the trees from the inside out, strengthening her barrier, fortifying this wall she built to stop his retreat. A latticework of ice glimmered on the outside as the temperature dropped, and he continued through the warmth flowing through him and coating his mind with her voice.

    I was brokenhearted. I was drunk on power and loneliness. You had them. They loved you as I did. And I got jealous. And lonely. I thought you were slipping away.

    "Excuses," he whispered as he stared down at her, because he couldn't manage anything more through the conflict in his body. He was cold but he was heated. He was so alone but they were together again, here in this place. Alone, together. His eyes flickered dark and hot, then bright and cold, and back again. His heart raced and he yearned for things he shouldn't want anymore. Not after all this time. Not after everything. She betrayed their marriage. There was so much wolf in his heart.

    And loyalty was everything.

    She lowered herself further with more self-justifying excuses. She was sorry, she was broken, she still watched them from here. She was speaking apologies to the wrong person. He was not the one she abandoned, not anymore. And he said nothing, even as she mentioned his son. His first born, his first child. His only son. He'd had higher hopes for a relationship with him, that special bond, but his son was as much a stranger to him as she was.

    I just cannot let them see me this way.

    Her wolf rolled submissively to her back, exposing her body's vulnerable places, and he could sense the reach of her familiar magic to him, the offer to become himself again. A bribe.

    "You're a selfish fool," he said dimly, still fighting this warmth that begged him to give in, to fall into it as he dearly wished to. She didn't care that her children had searched endlessly for their mother, didn't care as she watched them do it and remained hidden from them. It wasn't her fault that she felt the need to find another man, because she was lonely and she wanted to feel wanted. Everything she did was for herself. How had he missed that when they were together?

    He felt along his barricade of ice with his senses, still gripping that blade in his mind. Then he turned, and like a clench of his fist it suddenly exploded outward with an echoing bang, a crack of dynamite into this once peaceful forest. Shards of ice and debris flew in all directions, clacking against trees and rocks like stray bullets. And for once he welcomed the bitter cold that surrounded him. At least it was real.

    "Stay away from me."


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