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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Fire in the Mountain [OPEN]
    She doesn't flinch or even look at the dragon wings he had sculpted with the flame and he is slightly disappointed. He takes another look before folding them neatly away as she rolls her eyes like the child she is. Sarcastic too. The whole damn package.

    Or maybe that wasn't sarcasm, maybe she actually meant it... telling him he need to watch out for cat's claws. He doesn't feel like clarifying. 

    Her downfall was going to be that hot little mouth. He had a feeling she wasn't as good at talking herself out of trouble as she was getting into it. "I, unlike yourself, don’t need to hide behind fire"  That's a lie. The way her eyes are looking at him he bets she would hang him by the hooves if she could. 

    "or anything else for that matter..." So she has no trait or she's bluffing well, but with her hotheaded attitude he highly doubted she was holding back. She should learn not to reveal that too quickly. He would call her out, he thought he had pretty good odds. 

    "You shouldn't tell every stranger you meet in the woods that you are defenseless." He maintained his bored tone, despite the small burning in his chest he feels from her obnoxious attitude. His father had modeled the stoic well and Levi had followed. He expected her to balk at the word defenseless. Something like "I'm tougher than I look. You should learn to not consider yourself safe... blah blah"  But to him she looked pretty tough already so he doubted it. Without a trait what she looked like was all she was, he thought he has the size of the matter. A tough, angry, shiny girl. She could probably could give him a bruise or two, maybe even a scar... but if it came to a fight she would be on the losing end, and he wouldn't even have to use a muscle. 

    Naively she brings her self even closer to him. At this distance he could wrap the two of them in flames and she would have no escape. He could send vines of fire up from the ground, ensnaring her legs and burn the whole damn Forest to the ground. But he doesn't.

    She asks him what he would be without his fire. He has never considered this, heat and embers burn in a place deep within him. He was a smoldering fire in the flesh, how could he be without it? That wasn't a question worthy of an answer, he decides silently. What would she be without her lungs, or her legs? What would fish be without water? Flesh without blood?

    Yeah, dead. He never has been a conversationalist anyway. And he's not about to dig into abstract musing with her.

    For a moment he wonders what they would he doing or talking about if he had of greeted her like any normal horse would have. "Wow! A panther! That's cool!! My mom can actually read minds, which makes for some awkward moments growing up..." 

    Instead, he had greeted the abrupt intrusion with the friendliness of a hot brand. 

    "Are you just traipsing threw the forest looking for people who are minding their own business to disturb, Iset?" He gives her the dignity of her own name instead of tossing filly at her again. A large part of him just wants her to go away... the darker part wants to show her the danger she has put herself in. He is tired of her abrasive little voice. 

    If she wasn't going to appreciate his craft, or feed it,  he had no use for the girl. 

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.

    Messages In This Thread
    Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Levi - 05-08-2017, 02:34 PM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Iset - 05-13-2017, 11:35 PM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Levi - 05-16-2017, 08:32 PM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Iset - 05-17-2017, 02:01 PM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Levi - 05-19-2017, 03:39 PM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Alivia - 05-20-2017, 10:01 PM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Iset - 05-28-2017, 11:46 AM
    RE: Fire in the Mountain [OPEN] - by Levi - 05-29-2017, 08:06 PM

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