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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Levi]

    Levi is walking through the woods as he usually does mid-morning. it's been three days since he's talk to another soul and he hates to admit it but it, but he's beginning to feel bored. It's spring now and the woods are damp. New life is popping up from the forest floor, a green scent is in the air and he doesn't like it.

    Maybe it was about time to move on. But he couldn't move away from Spring

    The dark stallion had been living in the forest all winter, and most of his time was spent in the shadowy heart of it. As soon he was old enough to realize Tephra did not suit him he had begun to explore the adjoining lands. The meadow was to open, the field obviously not a good choice, and he wasn't about to join Taiga or Ischia... swearing himself a humble warrior at the disposal of whoever happened to be leading. The forest had stood alone in his mind as the only good option. He had grown fond of its wintered solitude. Many times he had even tried to get lose himself in the vast woodland, but without success. Few travelers found themselves this deep in the woods, generally only those who stayed on a more permanent basis wandered here.

    But now spring had arrived and there were new sounds, new growth and new visitors. He had become accustomed to the pulse of the forest and something different made his ears prick. A thud, far in the distance. With curiosity he turned his body in that direction and held his breath to hear better. Before long again he heard it again. At an easy lope he startes off in the direction of the unusual sounds. He realizes he is drawing nearer to one of the more well-traveled areas of the woods, leading him to believe the source of the sound was not an act of nature but another horse or two up to something.

    Again, Thud. Before long he is close and he slows to walk, picking through the underbrush to make less noise. 

    Was there a clearing in this part of the forest before? There weren't many meadows big or small in this dense forest ... and he thought he knew where most of them were. As he's looking up with curiosity at the gap in the trees which he doesn't remember being there, an ancient elm on the edge of the clearing begins to creak, crack, and tip. Simultaneously seeming to be strangled and wither as it falls to the ground. Thud.

    Then he sees her. Brown like himself, like a forest creature she blends well with her surroundings. She is playing. Playing much like he plays with his fire. There is a proud smile on her little face. 

    Well, he was about to make her game a little more interesting.

    The air was dense and damp with spring, not wafting like summer or fall and he doubts his scent would reach her from the distance he stood at. If the foliage was completely grown in he wouldn't be able to see her from here, slightly up hill, but off to her right side. 

    He calls his fire from within himself, and she answers promptly. The distance was farther away than he had attempted before, so he kept the flame small, not exactly sure what would happen. The flame appears about two horse lengths in front of the girl's right shoulder, above a felled elm. It takes the vague form of a small round pony and hovers at eye level. The pony begins to bolt from left to right a little frantically covering a space of several feet. He nearly sends the pony into the dead tree surrounding the girl but instead Levi is content with this little show. 

    Maybe it's the days of solitude, or the pretty little snip on her nose, but today he isn't feeling particularly disagreeable. He begins to move forward again, this time not taking care to stay quiet. 

    Plus, for all he knew she had a powerful mother keeping watch who wouldn't stand by while some young stud set her daughter ablaze. 

    so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.

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    RE: Run... Save Yourself from the Destruction [Levi] - by Levi - 05-19-2017, 03:45 PM

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