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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  drivin with my eyes closed; diz
    FUCK, she was enormous. Everything ached, and Dizzy felt like she’d been pregnant for fucking ever. It was getting old. And she was getting grumpy...er. Grumpier. She waddled through the stupid forest, kicking herself for not thinking ahead and finding an actual real place to settle down. Giving the kid (who was the size of a goddamn elephant, the little shit) a home, like she and Zor had never had instead of wandering the forest forever. Dumbass. Too much work to get anywhere else now, and besides it was the only place Dov knew to look for her. She wasn’t about to up and leave now.

    Not when she was like days from just bursting open and bleeding a kid out all over the forest floor.

    Or as good as. She’d seen Zor being born, she knew how it worked. Ugh. God. Nope, don’t think about that, don’t think about that, don’t think that far ahead. Fuck, it was gonna be horrible, wasn’t it? Didn’t matter what she’d seen, or the fact that babies were born all the damn time just the same way. Dizzy still firmly believed her body was not meant to do that. Shove a whole kid out, then what, bounce back into shape for more fun? Even the thought of a dick getting anywhere near her after that was kind of horrifying.

    Well anyhow, she might not have found her kid an actual official home or anything, but Dizzy’d always had her favorite little haunts in the forest. She’d left her latest little hidey hole to waddle toward a nearby stream for a drink, and was making her awkward, ungainly way back when she spotted a familiar heap of sexy bones lying not too far from her habitual resting place. “Well hello there,” she purred, settling herself down beside him with some difficulty. Okay, a hell of a lot of difficulty.

    Don’t fucking squash him, he doesn’t look like he’s got the energy left to roll out of the way.

    With a bit of work, she managed to lower herself to the ground while avoiding smothering her Dovev in his sleep with her goddamn enormous belly. Then she curled herself around him the best she could, nuzzling the soft skin of his neck between bony plates of armor. “Missed you,” she murmured, smiling as she breathed in the scent of home on his skin. Right. Stupid. Of course she had a home. It just wasn’t in any specific place. Her kid would be fine. She’d be its home, for a while at least.

    “How do you do that?” she asked, even knowing he was too far gone to hear her, let alone respond. “Show up and chase all my fears away like that?” Soothe her soul with just his sleeping presence. Peace washed over her as she rested her head on his shoulder and let herself fall asleep beside him. It’s good to be home.

    Messages In This Thread
    drivin with my eyes closed; diz - by Dovev - 04-20-2017, 12:29 PM
    RE: drivin with my eyes closed; diz - by Disastardly - 05-03-2017, 12:54 PM
    RE: drivin with my eyes closed; diz - by Dovev - 05-19-2017, 03:16 PM

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