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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    open your eyes, your sea is changing ; lucrezia, any

    Here it comes with no warning; capsize, i'm first in the water
    There are nights where she is up, fumbling over the responsibility of leading Tephra and ensuring the safety of those she has taken accountability for. It weighed heavy on here at times, but this was mostly when her thoughts turned back to the memories she kept in the back of her mind. She analyzed such events of her life when living back in the world of Beqanna she once knew. However, the past is also a reminder her of what to not repeat again.

    “Warrick, right?” She asks after he acknowledges her presence in the late of the night. Lucrezia wanted to ensure she was getting everyone’s name correctly. It was part of her duties she decided to make sure she befriended all. “Is it really?” She asks when he mentions the time of day. Her smile grows more wide at him this time. “I like the night time. Don’t you?” The dark hour of the day was a completely different world. There was something so alive about the night when many creatures of the world slumbered away.

    The night bright her a sense of peace. It was a way for her to clear her head and keep it straight on her shoulders. Plus, who wouldn’t love seeing the brightly lit night when the stars could be seen? It was a sight she could never miss.

    Lucrezia tilts her head slightly at his proposed questions. She thought of the answer time and time again. It also had come up many times in different conversations with other residents. “Well,” she says thinking out loud as she breaks the short moment of silence, “I am happy.” She does not feel anything else right now. “I suppose I didn’t think I’d be content taking such a big responsibility. However, it does have its ups and downs.” She laughs softly, “Hopefully it will have more ups than downs.” She knows she cannot predict what kind of reign she will have.

    “And don’t be so silly,” Lucrezia says lightly but also firmly to him. “You are more than welcome to ask me anything. I don’t like to have any secrets.” Her smile than returns to her cream colored lips. “Thank you for asking. I appreciate knowing that even a stranger that you are to me is considered for me.” It made her feel appreciative knowing newcomers in Tephra had good intentions. “How are you? Are you liking Tephra so far?” She asks in turn now.
    ...too close to the bottom.
    html © samshine| character info: here | picture reference: here

    Ugh this post is kinda gross. Tongue
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    RE: open your eyes, your sea is changing ; lucrezia, any - by Lucrezia - 04-29-2017, 04:20 PM

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